Waterstone Campus Blog

This blog is designed to keep you informed weekly of the construction and development of the new Little School at the Waterstone Campus. We plan to update every Friday until construction is completed.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Week 13: Rain, Rain Go Away...

Do you all remember that we reported gaining a week in our last blog entry? The rain this week has more or less corrected our schedule.

Actually, this was a hard week for the project because we have also run into our first real snag in our permitting process. The problem is code related and it has to do with the translation of code from Orange County to the Town of Hillsborough and back to our architect who is responsible for gathering all of the information and finding a way to make everyone happy. We have become stuck in the gray area, and those in charge are trying to sort it all out but it is not happening quickly. As it involves our plumbing we are going to hit a delay if it is not resolved very quickly. This is very frustrating for us as we would like to create a list of options, walk them from desk to desk until we find one that makes everyone happy, and then move on it. As you all know, it is not that simple and it is out of our hands. And so we wait...

At the Davis Road Campus things are quickly coming together as we prepare for graduation and welcome many new children into the building. Our biggest movement of the year is going to take place next month as we see about a dozen children leave us and welcome in about a dozen more. It is always bitter sweet for us. Our graduation ceremony is scheduled for Friday, June 12th and you are all welcome to attend if you would like.

Warning: We usually cry at these things. This one is going to be particularly difficult as this is the first class that we have seen all the way through our building. When we remember the first day of the Little School and all of their tiny little hands and smiles it nearly overwhelms us to think that we are going to see them move on. Having said that, you must know that we never say "Good bye" at the Little School. We always say "See You Soon!" instead!

Glimpse: We completed our fund raiser for the Hillsborough Police K-9officers on Saturday with the presentation of a check for $800. Our money will be used to buy all of the equipment necessary to keep one of the dogs safe. We are very proud of our accomplishment and it was wonderful to be able to bring us all together on Saturday morning at Gold Park to give our gift directly to the Officer and his dog.

In the future we are very much looking forward to fully incorporating a service learning approach into our curriculum. We are busily researching preschool service models in the hopes of starting in our preschool room this year but charging the preschoolers with the task of teaching the rest of the school. We had a great example in the Duke School this year where the children participated in a back pack project where they brainstormed a series of fund-raisers, gathered their funds, distributed the funds to each of the children, and then had the children purchase food and supplies that were then distributed to very poor families living in our area. From conception to fruition the children did it all and along the way they trained each other. We love that and look forward to many such experiences in the future.In the meantime, please enjoy the photo of our presentation. There will also be photos in the News of Orange in the next edition.

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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 01/03/2010