That is all such good news!
Please stop by and see the progress happening daily. There are different heavy trucks all of the time. Even we get excited when we see some new piece of equipment.
We would love to hear your feedback. Please feel not only welcome, but invited to voice your opinions or your concerns. You can post here or write us at the school.
We made a few cost-reducing changes to the plans this week. One of them is very exciting. We removed the dropped ceilings throughout the building opting instead for an open warehouse feel that exposes all of the duct work and conduits. We are very excited because we gain three feet of height in all of the class rooms and the children will be able to see the inner workings of the buildings. In our minds we will paint the parts to each system its own color (i.e.; electrical will all be red, heating and air will all be silver, water will all be blue) so that the children can follow a system throughout a whole building and into the next. It is a great educational opportunity and why shouldn't the building itself be a teaching tool? We love it.
I think Kellan will be excited about being able tos ee the inner workings of the school.
I'm commenting for the sake of seeing if comments work... and because I'm already talking about the excitement of playing around with root balls and fallen trees! :)
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