We have good news to report. We were finally able to navigate the confusion that is the permitting process. It is our understanding that our final revisions are acceptable to all involved agencies. Phew! We expect to receive our building permit sometime today or tomorrow.
This is great news as we were about to hit a stalling point on the project. As it is, we have been slowed significantly these past three weeks. According to our general contractor, they are ready to go straight into the next phase the moment the permit is in hand. Some things that you will see during this phase:
1. The retaining walls will be installed
2. The building footings will be installed for all five buildings
3. The building pads will be installed for all five buildings
4. The final site prep will be completed in preparation for framing and siding the buildings
That list should take us into July. We are, at this point anticipating a delay in our opening. We don't want to speculate at all about how long that delay will be. Our best case scenario at this point is October 1. Our VERY, VERY worst case scenario is December 1.
We are concerned about the delay at this point but remain very optimistic that we can still make an October opening. We need to remind everyone that our buildings are very simple one-story residential buildings. There are no steel girders or complex concrete layers.
Buildings just like ours are being constructed in neighborhoods all over our community and they are going up from step one to completion is fifty days. If we get our permit (as we expect to do), have drier weather (as NC usually experiences in the summertime), and have no further code-related delays (please pray for us), our buildings should be built by the end of August. Once the buildings are finished we will still need to paint, landscape and decorate (we love that part) so that we can pass day care licensing standards. Once the building is in our possession we PROMISE you all that we will work around the clock to get done as quickly as possible. In fact, we may call upon our community to help us with our final task of landscaping, painting and loading into the building. The more hands the better once we reach that phase.
Please check next week's blog for information about:
1. We are trying to secure additional classroom spaces at the Davis Road Campus to temporarily house the half-day program
2. Deposit information
*We are now enrolling the Davis Road Campus to the maximum capacity for the first time. If you are in dire straights for care in the fall we URGE you to contact Mary now at mary@thelittleschool.net so that we can work on planning for you for the fall.
Glimpse: A reassuring (we hope) glimpse into our past:
In 2005 when we decided to open the Little School we knew that we would need to more or less gut the building that is now our school. Our hope was that we would take possession of our building on July 1. In the end we took possession on August 1. We knew that we had to open on time for September 1, 2005.
We pooled our human resources and brought together a group of family, friends and even some students of Christa's and we moved into the school building. We worked from 8:00am until 2:00am many days so that we could open on time. In the end we completed plumbing, electricity, flooring, trim, new doors, alarm system installation, sod (what were we thinking!?), and painting during that month. The building was brand new when we were finished.
We were committed and we stuck with it.
We were then and we are now completely committed to doing everything that we can to bring our buildings together as quickly as possible.
This is great news as we were about to hit a stalling point on the project. As it is, we have been slowed significantly these past three weeks. According to our general contractor, they are ready to go straight into the next phase the moment the permit is in hand. Some things that you will see during this phase:
1. The retaining walls will be installed
2. The building footings will be installed for all five buildings
3. The building pads will be installed for all five buildings
4. The final site prep will be completed in preparation for framing and siding the buildings
That list should take us into July. We are, at this point anticipating a delay in our opening. We don't want to speculate at all about how long that delay will be. Our best case scenario at this point is October 1. Our VERY, VERY worst case scenario is December 1.
We are concerned about the delay at this point but remain very optimistic that we can still make an October opening. We need to remind everyone that our buildings are very simple one-story residential buildings. There are no steel girders or complex concrete layers.
Buildings just like ours are being constructed in neighborhoods all over our community and they are going up from step one to completion is fifty days. If we get our permit (as we expect to do), have drier weather (as NC usually experiences in the summertime), and have no further code-related delays (please pray for us), our buildings should be built by the end of August. Once the buildings are finished we will still need to paint, landscape and decorate (we love that part) so that we can pass day care licensing standards. Once the building is in our possession we PROMISE you all that we will work around the clock to get done as quickly as possible. In fact, we may call upon our community to help us with our final task of landscaping, painting and loading into the building. The more hands the better once we reach that phase.
Please check next week's blog for information about:
1. We are trying to secure additional classroom spaces at the Davis Road Campus to temporarily house the half-day program
2. Deposit information
*We are now enrolling the Davis Road Campus to the maximum capacity for the first time. If you are in dire straights for care in the fall we URGE you to contact Mary now at mary@thelittleschool.net so that we can work on planning for you for the fall.
Glimpse: A reassuring (we hope) glimpse into our past:
In 2005 when we decided to open the Little School we knew that we would need to more or less gut the building that is now our school. Our hope was that we would take possession of our building on July 1. In the end we took possession on August 1. We knew that we had to open on time for September 1, 2005.
We pooled our human resources and brought together a group of family, friends and even some students of Christa's and we moved into the school building. We worked from 8:00am until 2:00am many days so that we could open on time. In the end we completed plumbing, electricity, flooring, trim, new doors, alarm system installation, sod (what were we thinking!?), and painting during that month. The building was brand new when we were finished.
We were committed and we stuck with it.
We were then and we are now completely committed to doing everything that we can to bring our buildings together as quickly as possible.
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