Waterstone Campus Blog

This blog is designed to keep you informed weekly of the construction and development of the new Little School at the Waterstone Campus. We plan to update every Friday until construction is completed.

Monday, August 17, 2009


We have finally been able to pour the foundations for our buildings! What a glorious thing to be able to report to you. Our contractor is waiting on a mechanical plumbing change on Building B and then they will pour that last slab of concrete AND THEN framing will begin. Our contractor said we should see framers by next week!!!!

We will FINALLY be 3-dimensional!

We are being told that once the framers and roofers are finished things will move very quickly. Our interior is very sparse and simple. We are hoping/praying/wishing/counting on that simplicity equalling easy and fast to finish.

We will keep you posted.

The half-day program classrooms will be painted this weekend. We can't thank the Hillsborough United Church of Christ enough for their willingness to once again share their space with our school family. We have been told that we have Mr. Fred Jordan to thank specifically for these classrooms as he believed very strongly that this is a good use of space for the church. While Fred is our champion on this issue, the entire church has been nothing but supportive, loving, and embracing of our community and our mission. We are so grateful to the church as a whole.

Glimpse: Carrying the topic of foundations one LONG step further, we are beginning to consider the smaller details that make our program what it is. One of our great fears is that our little homey school will not translate to the larger campus. We are fully committed to doing everything possible to ensure that we don't ever feel like a big institutional school. We are choosing paint colors that are similar to the paint now, buying lots of furniture at garage and yard sales so that we carry the character and charm with us, and even thinking about the music that we will play in the classrooms for nap time being sure that the music selection is broad enough that each teacher can choose music that reflects his or her group of children and not the corporate philosophy of our school. We are again open to suggestions from all of you.

What are the foundational pieces that you want to see us build upon? What pieces of the current school do you most want to see us recreate at the new campus?


Anonymous said...

One of the aspects of TLS that our family loves most is the commitment to being child-centered. Bending to individual children's strengths and needs with a flexible "curriculum" that fits the children in the group rather than making the children fit the curriculum. Stay warm and welcoming and above all, PLAY!
Thanks for asking!
Renée (Tai's mom)

Anonymous said...

The things we love about TLS are: 1) the time spent on creative activities that allow the child to express his/her own vision of something (whether it be about a theme discussed, music, or just free time drawing). My son didn't even know what to do with a coloring book when he got to kindergarten and wasn't at all interested in coloring in it, and I was fiercely proud of that despite getting several blank color sheets sent back to us.
2) time spent outdoors - our children love being in the outdoors and are very knowledgeable about nature and science and the relationship between people and the world around us. We stress it at home, too, but it's not something they would get in an institutional daycare setting. They get to practice these values every day on the outdoor playground, nature garden, and in the field.
3) the fact that the teachers really do LOVE our children. I am a bit apprehensive about the growth of the school, which means a growth in the staff...what if there is such a need for bodies that the teachers aren't as joyful and loving as in the current TLS? I hope that's not the case...it's what allows me to bring my child to TLS every day with full confidence that she will be loved and cared for.

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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 01/03/2010