Happy New Year!
We have had the most incredible week. There have been highs and lows for sure and some of the obstacles seemed momentarily insurmountable. Having said that, WE ARE LICENSED AND READY TO OPEN ON MONDAY, JANUARY 4th!!!!
We are so excited. We know that you have suffered right along with us and we can't thank you enough for your never ending support and encourgement.
We are EXHAUSTED. We are bent and broken and we will look a littl rough on Monday morning, but the building and grounds look fantastic.
We are hoping that some of you are around on Saturday to help us with the final unpacking and cleaning. We will also be building the first of many of our playground installations. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. We would appreciate it if you would email us to tell us if you can come so that we can plan our projects for the day. We will be working in two shifts. Shift one will be from 9-1. Shift two will be from 1-5. It is fine if you can come for a part of a shift also, please let us know what you have avaialble.
Thanks so much and we hope that you are all having a wonderful holiday!
Very, very best regards for the new year!
Christa and Jennifer
Waterstone Campus Blog
This blog is designed to keep you informed weekly of the construction and development of the new Little School at the Waterstone Campus. We plan to update every Friday until construction is completed.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Weekend Update
We had a FANTASTIC weekend!!! We began our move-in officially on Monday when Ikea and Discount School Supplies each brought a truck load of supplies. Tuesday, December 22nd Two Men and a Truck moved all of the things from all SIX of our storage lockers over to one of the empty buildings at the school. It took them 12 hours to move all of our things. It was amazing.
On Tuesday night we bought and transported over 200 baskets to the school- that was a site to see for sure! On Thursday and Friday we emptied a very large bonus room and two garages into the school. On Saturday and Sunday we emptied three classrooms from the current Little School and thinned some of the surplus from what will be the half day classrooms, throwing away many very loved, and very tired items.
As of this evening, Sunday night, we are probably 85% done putting it all away. The classrooms are so beautiful and different. The teachers have brought their individual personalities and points of view to their classroom compositions. It is just incredible to see it all come together.
The remainder of the flooring was also installed over the weekend.
The week of December 28-December 31:
Monday: We will have all of our final inspections AND HAVE OUR WATER METER INSTALLED AND WATER TURNED ON!!! We will also have the first load of mulch installed. A total of 5 tractor trailer loads of mulch will be delivered and spread this week. The mulch is going to absolutely transform the campus.
Tuesday: Any remaining site inspections (if something has to be fixed in order for us to pass our final inspection) will be completed. We will be putting away all of the office, art room, and dining room furniture. We will also be making all of our last minute classroom changes prior to our North Carolina Division of Child Development licensing inspection on Wednesday morning. If all goes as planned we will have our temporary license on Wednesday! At worst case scenario we will have them return on Thursday the 31st.
We are hoping to rest on New Year's Day.
We are really, really, REALLY excited now. We are beginning to imagine what it is going to be like to see the children arrive on the 4th. What an exciting time!
Please write Christa at christaniven@thelittleschool.net with any questions. No one will be answering the Little School phone this week. Thanks and we can't wait to see you soon.
REMINDER: Our ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled from 3:00-4:00 on Sunday, January 3, 2010. Please be sure to join us for that exciting event.
On Tuesday night we bought and transported over 200 baskets to the school- that was a site to see for sure! On Thursday and Friday we emptied a very large bonus room and two garages into the school. On Saturday and Sunday we emptied three classrooms from the current Little School and thinned some of the surplus from what will be the half day classrooms, throwing away many very loved, and very tired items.
As of this evening, Sunday night, we are probably 85% done putting it all away. The classrooms are so beautiful and different. The teachers have brought their individual personalities and points of view to their classroom compositions. It is just incredible to see it all come together.
The remainder of the flooring was also installed over the weekend.
The week of December 28-December 31:
Monday: We will have all of our final inspections AND HAVE OUR WATER METER INSTALLED AND WATER TURNED ON!!! We will also have the first load of mulch installed. A total of 5 tractor trailer loads of mulch will be delivered and spread this week. The mulch is going to absolutely transform the campus.
Tuesday: Any remaining site inspections (if something has to be fixed in order for us to pass our final inspection) will be completed. We will be putting away all of the office, art room, and dining room furniture. We will also be making all of our last minute classroom changes prior to our North Carolina Division of Child Development licensing inspection on Wednesday morning. If all goes as planned we will have our temporary license on Wednesday! At worst case scenario we will have them return on Thursday the 31st.
We are hoping to rest on New Year's Day.
We are really, really, REALLY excited now. We are beginning to imagine what it is going to be like to see the children arrive on the 4th. What an exciting time!
Please write Christa at christaniven@thelittleschool.net with any questions. No one will be answering the Little School phone this week. Thanks and we can't wait to see you soon.
REMINDER: Our ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled from 3:00-4:00 on Sunday, January 3, 2010. Please be sure to join us for that exciting event.
Building Permit,
Construction Progress,
Thank you,
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Too Many People to Thank in One Blog!
As of this evening we have our conditional certificate of occupancy and we are ready to begin to move into the buildings!!!
Yay! Hurray!! Yippee!!!
We have accomplished the following:
1. Fencing is complete- and SO cute
2. Heating in all three of our buildings
3. Electricity in all three of our buildings
4. The site is just about completely graded and expectantly awaiting mulch next week- Mulch is going to bring about a MIRACULOUS transformation!!!
5. The concrete and walkways are in
To Be Completed Next Week:
1. We are awaiting our water meter so that we can run water. This is a big one. We need lots of prayer and well-wishes going into the weekend.
2. Mulch
3. The remainder of the flooring
4. Permanent certificate of occupancy
We want to say a great big thank you to Kenny Keel and our very own (and much beloved) Eric Peterson without whom the water meter would be impossible. We also need to say thank you to the entire office of inspections and zoning department, but especially to Michael Rettie who has been just amazing to work with this week. Our poor exhausted team of subcontractors, general contractors, site superintendents and project manager and husbands, parents, staff and children are so incredibly dedicated and determined to get us ready for the 4th. We just don't have room to sing their praises adequately so instead we will just say a profound THANK YOU TO YOU ALL- You know who you are and so do we!
We hope that you all have a wonderful and joyous holiday. We can't wait to see you all soon.
Jennifer, Wendy and Christa
Yay! Hurray!! Yippee!!!
We have accomplished the following:
1. Fencing is complete- and SO cute
2. Heating in all three of our buildings
3. Electricity in all three of our buildings
4. The site is just about completely graded and expectantly awaiting mulch next week- Mulch is going to bring about a MIRACULOUS transformation!!!
5. The concrete and walkways are in
To Be Completed Next Week:
1. We are awaiting our water meter so that we can run water. This is a big one. We need lots of prayer and well-wishes going into the weekend.
2. Mulch
3. The remainder of the flooring
4. Permanent certificate of occupancy
We want to say a great big thank you to Kenny Keel and our very own (and much beloved) Eric Peterson without whom the water meter would be impossible. We also need to say thank you to the entire office of inspections and zoning department, but especially to Michael Rettie who has been just amazing to work with this week. Our poor exhausted team of subcontractors, general contractors, site superintendents and project manager and husbands, parents, staff and children are so incredibly dedicated and determined to get us ready for the 4th. We just don't have room to sing their praises adequately so instead we will just say a profound THANK YOU TO YOU ALL- You know who you are and so do we!
We hope that you all have a wonderful and joyous holiday. We can't wait to see you all soon.
Jennifer, Wendy and Christa
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
A Whirlwind Week

This week at the Waterstone Campus is a complete blur tonight as I sit and think about it while watching the snow fall. There were many, many highpoints, and also several low points, but all in all it was a wonderfully productive week.
The heat and electric are now installed and operating.
The lighting and ceiling tiles are installed.
The remainder of the kitchen equipment is on site and awaiting installation on Monday morning.
The water lines are tested and the water quality is excellent.
The plumbing is very nearly complete.
The walls are painted and the trim is getting close to being completed.
The fencing began today.
The road is nearly finished and the parking lot will be finished by Wednesday.
The landscaping materials have all been purchased and are ready for installation just after Christmas.
As you can see, this was a great week on site.
Monday: Kitchen installation and site work continues. Ikea order delivered.
Tuesday: Inspections and Temporary Certificate of Occupancy application. Move out of storage locker. All acquired materials arrive on site.
Wednesday: Site work completion and Final Walk-Through
Thursday-Friday- Christmas break
Saturday-Sunday- We move in.
Needs: Next weekend, December 26 and 27 are going to be incredibly busy days. We have hundreds of pieces of Ikea furniture to assemble, thousands of toys to sort, and lots of furniture to move. We would love to have help if you are able. While we love our children desperately, we are not going to be equipped to have anyone under twelve who is not related to us on site that weekend. Children 12 and over who would like to help are not only welcome, but greatly appreciated. Please email Christa at christaniven@thelittleschool.net if you are able to help.
The week after will be a continuation of the weekend as we fine tune the classrooms and get ready for our ribbon cutting on the 3rd and First day on the 4th. We would again welcome any help that you are able to give.
Glimpse: Our site superintendent, David Hickey; Project Manager, Shannon Dixon; General Contractor, Chris Hale; all of the inspectors at the Orange County Office of Inspections; and hundreds of subcontractors have worked tirelessly to bring this project together. The weather should have delayed us several months and would have if not for the tremendous dedication of our incredible team. There have been some tense moments, but overall the atmosphere on the campus has been dedicated and determined. This team feels like a part of the Little School family and they have been very sure that they were not going to let our kids down come January 4th. I would like to offer them our highest praises and greatest regards.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Big Week Ahead
See new construction pictures below the posts.
This week begins our race to the finish line. By this time next week we will have electricity, heat, flooring, paint, plumbing, trim, and even an installed kitchen. It is going to be a big week. Driving by things may look a little rough as the site work and landscaping are yet to be finished. We are working every day that is not raining on the grounds, but as you know, dry days have been few and far between. What that will mean for us is that it is very likely that we will open on January 4th without any of our playground installations in place.
This actually works out beautifully for us because we have contracted with folks at NC State's Natural Learning Initiative to help us with our playground plans. Robin Moore, the director of The Natural Learning Initiative has been working for the last 10 years to inspire those of us who work with young children to create natural learning spaces for children to explore. Through this contract, he and his staff are going to meet with our teachers to discuss best practices in incorporating the outdoor environment into our curriculum. They are also going to provide a workshop for our parents in which they are going to help us remember the wonderful experiences we had as children playing outdoors and relate this to our plans for our children. They are then going to create both a schematic plan and a master concept plan for our initial three outdoor spaces. They are also going to be consulting with us every step of the way while we build these spaces. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have been chosen by them. If you would like more information about them or to see some of their incredible ideas that have already been completed all over the country, please visit their website: http://www.naturalearning.org/
Needs: We will be painting trim every night this week and welcome a few volunteers who can help. We are also seeking a few volunteers to help us to distribute materials to the new classrooms on December 26th. Please write to christaniven@thelittleschool.net if you are able to volunteer.
REMINDER: We will be holding a ribbon cutting ceremony at the school on January 3, 2010 from 3:00-4:00. Mayor Tom Stevens will be with us to help the children cut the ribbon. Please join us if you are able!
Glimpse: Thank you to all that joined us for our open house last week. As always, it is so inspiring to us to see the level of participation and commitment from our families. We had over 200 people join us to meet the teachers and see their child's classroom assignments. The weather didn't seem to dampen anyone's spirit! Our teachers were so excited to meet so many of their future families.
This week begins our race to the finish line. By this time next week we will have electricity, heat, flooring, paint, plumbing, trim, and even an installed kitchen. It is going to be a big week. Driving by things may look a little rough as the site work and landscaping are yet to be finished. We are working every day that is not raining on the grounds, but as you know, dry days have been few and far between. What that will mean for us is that it is very likely that we will open on January 4th without any of our playground installations in place.
This actually works out beautifully for us because we have contracted with folks at NC State's Natural Learning Initiative to help us with our playground plans. Robin Moore, the director of The Natural Learning Initiative has been working for the last 10 years to inspire those of us who work with young children to create natural learning spaces for children to explore. Through this contract, he and his staff are going to meet with our teachers to discuss best practices in incorporating the outdoor environment into our curriculum. They are also going to provide a workshop for our parents in which they are going to help us remember the wonderful experiences we had as children playing outdoors and relate this to our plans for our children. They are then going to create both a schematic plan and a master concept plan for our initial three outdoor spaces. They are also going to be consulting with us every step of the way while we build these spaces. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have been chosen by them. If you would like more information about them or to see some of their incredible ideas that have already been completed all over the country, please visit their website: http://www.naturalearning.org/
Needs: We will be painting trim every night this week and welcome a few volunteers who can help. We are also seeking a few volunteers to help us to distribute materials to the new classrooms on December 26th. Please write to christaniven@thelittleschool.net if you are able to volunteer.
REMINDER: We will be holding a ribbon cutting ceremony at the school on January 3, 2010 from 3:00-4:00. Mayor Tom Stevens will be with us to help the children cut the ribbon. Please join us if you are able!
Glimpse: Thank you to all that joined us for our open house last week. As always, it is so inspiring to us to see the level of participation and commitment from our families. We had over 200 people join us to meet the teachers and see their child's classroom assignments. The weather didn't seem to dampen anyone's spirit! Our teachers were so excited to meet so many of their future families.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Educator of the Week
By Vanessa C. Shortley
Little School teacher has big love for students
Silva Gabriele Stumpf, child development lead teacher for middlers at The Little School, said she decided to become a teacher because of her love of children. Still, she said, she kind of fell into it.
Silva Gabriele Stumpf, child development lead teacher for middlers at The Little School, passes out scarecrows to preschoolers during the October Fall Festival at The Little School. Photo by Elizabeth Romska.
“I ‘wandered’ into [early childhood education] in the Black Forest region of Germany, where I attended a four-year ECE program that emphasized practical learning,” she said.
She was drawn to The Little School in particular, the veteran teacher of 13 years said, because of the approach they take to teaching young children by being a partner in their education instead of just an instructor.
The Reggio Emilia philosophy, which draws its name from a town in Italy, has no set curriculum or methods, but instead relies on a series of community-centric values that is child directed. It is this approach, Stumpf said, that brought her to the Little School — and the resulting environment is what has kept her at the school.
“Now in my third year, it is easier to say why I am interested in staying than why I originally came,” she said. “TLS is a place that provides a home away from home for children that houses an ambience of joy and serious intent at the same time.
“It is inspiring that the new, enlarged campus [in the Waterstone development next to Durham Technical Community College’s Orange County Campus] will strive to continue to foster a nurturing community, where teachers contribute to being part of a school, rather than ‘just’ a day care center.”
The Little School, located at 200 Davis Road with a Waterstone campus set to open in January, is a five-star preschool and child development center that offers a nurturing, exploratory education program, according to the school’s Web site.
The children Stumpf gets to teach — 2- and 3-year-olds, mostly — are also why she loves going to work every morning, she said.
The challenge of being a role model, of sharing with children and watching them light up as they learn something new are tangible benefits that spur Stumpf on, urging her to keep growing and changing herself, she said.
“I enjoy the opportunity to bring heart and soul into a class of children, with the chance to make a difference in so many little, seemingly minute ways every day,” she said. “… I enjoy the instant gratification of captivating a child, the instant tangibility of our work.
“I enjoy seeing children be creative, whether it is through language, art, movement, problem-solving, role-playing or whatever they come up with.”
Comments? Send them via e-mail: v.shortley@newsoforange.com
What would you like to say to your nominator?
“I truly appreciate your recognition on behalf of all our staff and their hard work to fill portfolios, not to mention the tireless dedication on so many levels in all classrooms.
“Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to be part of the very important recognition of teachers in the field of early childhood, which will receive a boost through your series.” — Silva Gabriele Stumpf
Little School teacher has big love for students
Silva Gabriele Stumpf, child development lead teacher for middlers at The Little School, said she decided to become a teacher because of her love of children. Still, she said, she kind of fell into it.

“I ‘wandered’ into [early childhood education] in the Black Forest region of Germany, where I attended a four-year ECE program that emphasized practical learning,” she said.
She was drawn to The Little School in particular, the veteran teacher of 13 years said, because of the approach they take to teaching young children by being a partner in their education instead of just an instructor.
The Reggio Emilia philosophy, which draws its name from a town in Italy, has no set curriculum or methods, but instead relies on a series of community-centric values that is child directed. It is this approach, Stumpf said, that brought her to the Little School — and the resulting environment is what has kept her at the school.
“Now in my third year, it is easier to say why I am interested in staying than why I originally came,” she said. “TLS is a place that provides a home away from home for children that houses an ambience of joy and serious intent at the same time.
“It is inspiring that the new, enlarged campus [in the Waterstone development next to Durham Technical Community College’s Orange County Campus] will strive to continue to foster a nurturing community, where teachers contribute to being part of a school, rather than ‘just’ a day care center.”
The Little School, located at 200 Davis Road with a Waterstone campus set to open in January, is a five-star preschool and child development center that offers a nurturing, exploratory education program, according to the school’s Web site.
The children Stumpf gets to teach — 2- and 3-year-olds, mostly — are also why she loves going to work every morning, she said.
The challenge of being a role model, of sharing with children and watching them light up as they learn something new are tangible benefits that spur Stumpf on, urging her to keep growing and changing herself, she said.
“I enjoy the opportunity to bring heart and soul into a class of children, with the chance to make a difference in so many little, seemingly minute ways every day,” she said. “… I enjoy the instant gratification of captivating a child, the instant tangibility of our work.
“I enjoy seeing children be creative, whether it is through language, art, movement, problem-solving, role-playing or whatever they come up with.”
Comments? Send them via e-mail: v.shortley@newsoforange.com
What would you like to say to your nominator?
“I truly appreciate your recognition on behalf of all our staff and their hard work to fill portfolios, not to mention the tireless dedication on so many levels in all classrooms.
“Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to be part of the very important recognition of teachers in the field of early childhood, which will receive a boost through your series.” — Silva Gabriele Stumpf
Friday, November 27, 2009
Paint, Paint and more PAINT!
We are so happy to report that one building is completely painted inside!!! We are moving right into building 2 on Monday and (we hope) building 3 will be painted before the open house on December 5th. The exterior painting is scheduled to begin the second that it is dry enough to do it.
THE OPEN HOUSE: What to expect.
10-12 Please join us at 200 Davis Road for a meet and greet with our wonderful teaching staff, both current and new teachers, and a tour of our classrooms. This will be an informal meeting time, so please come by whenever works for you during the hours of 10 to 12. This is a family event so we will have snacks and activities for the children.
12-2 Please join us at 301 College Park Road for a guided tour of the new campus. Our contractors have asked that we accompany all visitors to the campus. WE ASK THAT YOU NOT WANDER ALONE THROUGH THE BUILDINGS. Instead, please follow the signs to the administrative building where you will meet Jennifer, Mary or Christa for a guided tour. Tours will leave every 15 minutes beginning at noon. The rooms will be painted but empty and the outdoor spaces will just be getting landscaped but you will get a good idea of what our school will become in just a few short weeks. We are so, so, so excited.
Please call the school office at 644-1818 or email Mary at mary@thelittleschool.net with any questions.
Have a safe and joyful Thanksgiving weekend!
Jennifer and Christa
THE OPEN HOUSE: What to expect.
10-12 Please join us at 200 Davis Road for a meet and greet with our wonderful teaching staff, both current and new teachers, and a tour of our classrooms. This will be an informal meeting time, so please come by whenever works for you during the hours of 10 to 12. This is a family event so we will have snacks and activities for the children.
12-2 Please join us at 301 College Park Road for a guided tour of the new campus. Our contractors have asked that we accompany all visitors to the campus. WE ASK THAT YOU NOT WANDER ALONE THROUGH THE BUILDINGS. Instead, please follow the signs to the administrative building where you will meet Jennifer, Mary or Christa for a guided tour. Tours will leave every 15 minutes beginning at noon. The rooms will be painted but empty and the outdoor spaces will just be getting landscaped but you will get a good idea of what our school will become in just a few short weeks. We are so, so, so excited.
Please call the school office at 644-1818 or email Mary at mary@thelittleschool.net with any questions.
Have a safe and joyful Thanksgiving weekend!
Jennifer and Christa
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Staff Day
Saturday, November 7th was our first staffing day as a new staff. Our current staff of 14 joined our new staff of 16 for a total staff of 30. It was so exciting for Jennifer and I to see all of us together for the first time. It was a time of reflection for us as we thought back on our first staffing day in 2005 when our whole staff was a group of just 8. We have certainly come a long way since that first day.
The staff day began with a speed-introduction event in which teachers spent 5 minutes visiting with each other, asking questions and getting to know each other better. After five minutes, they switched chairs until each had met, and visited with everyone else. It was very important to us for the teachers to have an opportunity to talk with their future co-workers so that they felt comfortable as we form new teams.
After this, we gathered together to hear a talk from an educational consultant and former teacher, counselor, associate superintendent of schools, (but most importantly, Jennifer’s father), about the importance of the teacher-child relationship. It was an excellent reminder for all of us of the incredible opportunity we have to help guide and shape the children in our care. After being thoroughly motivated, we took a moment for each of us to write down a hope or dream for our new school and exchange it with another person.
We were treated to the most delicious lunch prepared by Chef Nate. This was such an excellent opportunity for our teachers to actually taste the delicious food that is in our future every day at our new school. Chef Nate made both chicken gumbo and vegetable curry, a huge salad, and several different types of homemade bread. It was so much fun for us to all invision what our lunches are going to be like once Nate is with us full-time.
For the afternoon session, we broke off into groups. Our current staff went through CPR training while the new staff went through orientation to the school. Jennifer presented our Four Big Ideas (please see the glimpse below), Christa presented an introduction to the Parent Handbook, and JoAnn presented an introduction to the Employee Handbook. The new staff also had the opportunity to meet with our new program manager and hear her vision for the school.
It was a long, but very good day. In the end, we felt incredibly blessed to have this amazingly talented, caring, and invested group of people call themselves ours. We know that you are going to love them.
Below is an introduction to the new staff. You can find the current staff bios on this website under the Staff button. The new staff members will be completing more in depth bios in January. You are all invited to join us for our open house on Saturday, December 5th from 10-12. The new teachers will be there as well as our Human Resources Manager, Miss JoAnn and our Program Manager, Miss Wendy. This is a family-friendly event and we will have activities for you to participate in at the open house. We will give a walking tour of the new campus from 12-1 for anyone who wants an early peek at the new school.
Introductions to new staff:
Name: Miss Cicely
Education: Credentials 1 and 2 as well as working towards a BA in Early Childhood Education.
Classroom Experience: Miss Cicely has worked as a teacher for the past 7 years. She has taught Infants-School-Aged children.
Educational Passions: Miss Cicely is passionate about watching small children learn to create and express themselves through the arts.
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "The last time that I worked with infants there was one baby who was just fascinating. I watched that baby take her first steps and say her first words within a month of each other and it just made me pause and think: AMAZING!"
Fun Fact: Miss Cicely is a gifted interior decorator and wedding planner.
Family: Miss Cicely moved to NC from Colorado Springs, CO. She has been married to her husband, Benjamin for 8 years and is the mother of 3 beautiful children, A'dre'ja, Inella and Maliki.
Name: Miss Davian
Education: BA in Human Services with a minor in Psychology.
Classroom Experience: Miss Davian has been teaching for 12 years.
Educational Passions: "I love to teach in child-centered settings and am particularly excited about working in a Reggio-Inspired school."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: Working with children with special needs while also helping typically developing children to become aware of learning differences.
Fun Fact: "I was a contestant on Wheel of Fortune. That's right, I met Pat and Vanna!"
Family: Miss Davian lives with her husband Steve and their dog, Magenta. They are currently completing their application to adopt their first child.
Name: Miss Valerie
Education: BA in Child Development
Classroom Experience: Four and a half years teaching preschool.
Educational Passions: "I love listening and learning from children. Children are rich with knowledge and experience that we all benefit from. I am thrilled to be at The Little School because it embodies the goals and enrichment of children that I believe so strongly in."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "Children's art in general is always unforgettable. I love to watch a child develop a piece of art while listening to them as they describe their creation and who it is for. These masterpieces must be displayed."
Fun Fact: I love to be barefoot so that I can enjoy the feel of the Earth on my feet.
Family: Miss Valerie has been married to her husband, Chris, for 22 years. They are the parents of two children, Dawson and Alexandria.
Name: Miss Jessica
Education: BFA in Fine Art
Classroom Experience: Three years working with at-risk kids in inner-city Chicago.
Educational Passions: "I live to make kids and adults laugh and feel comfortable. I am eager to give back to my community. I can think of no better way than by helping children grow and create and become strong, independent thinkers."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "Being a mother has made me see the world all over again. Being a teacher is like that. I can't wait to do it again."
Fun Fact: "I make t-shirts with myself on them and then encourage everyone I know to wear them."
Family: "I am married to my husband, Ed and we are Gus' parents. My son is a current TLS student. I consider it an amazing gift to be able to be on both sides of the TLS family."
Name: Miss Diana
Education: BS is Elementary Education as well as Montessori certification in upper and lower Elementary Education from the American Montessori Society
Classroom Experience: 17 years teaching experience.
Educational Passions: "I am passionate about teaching people and sharing with people wild edible plants. I enjoy making medicine from them as well as growing food in my garden. I am passionate about being with children in nature. I am so excited to be at the Little School because the schools' values about education and respect are so closely aligned with my own values. I feel respected as a teacher entering the school. It is a phenomenal feeling."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "There are too many to single out. I guess that it is being able to witness that Aha moment that children get when they make a discovery on their own for the first time."
Fun Fact: Miss Diana is a huge Tar Heels Basketball fan. Born in Germany and went to a different school every year from K-12.
Family: Miss Diana is the proud mother of 3 and grandmother of 1.
Name: Miss Paula
Education: BS in Public Health with a focus on Early Childhood Education
Classroom Experience: 7 years teaching experience in the classroom as well as 4 years as a camp counselor
Educational Passions: "I am passionate about not only early childhood education, but also about providing support for care givers."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "Watching a toddler at TLS use his own rolling language to explain what was happening in the news that day."
Fun Fact: Spent 2 summers in France at Cordon Bleu. Favorite sport is bull riding!
Family: Proud mother of one son and grandmother to one grandson.
Name: Miss Laura
Education: BA in English
Classroom Experience: Ten years in the classroom- plus one year as a TLS substitute.
Educational Passions: "I love to laugh. I am so very grateful to have found a school that values friendliness and imagination and promotes those in children and teachers."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "I worked with a 3 year girl who was absolutely fascinated by letters. I watched her sit in front of a poster of the ASL alphabet and learn it. She inspired me to learn it and before long the whole class could spell and recognize each others names in sign language."
Fun Fact: "I have a cat named June who has taught me to play fetch. I also have a cat named Jill who can stretch a meow out for over 10 seconds"
Name: Miss Rose
Education: BS in Special Education
Classroom Experience: 14 years teaching special education and 7 years preschool lead teacher
Educational Passions: "I love doing projects with children. I love when children create something from nothing."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "I love to see children share their successes with their peers."
Fun Fact: Miss Rose is a sailing instructor
Family: Miss Rose is the happy mother of 4 children.
Name: Miss Jo-Anne Woodruff (AKA “Miss Jo”)
Education: BA in Early Childhood Education, Med in Elementary Education
Classroom Experience: Experience in both public and private schools in Florida, Texas and North Carolina.
Educational Passions: “My passion is working with children! There is nothing more rewarding and magical than guiding a child as they discover and learn! I feel so blessed and privileged to be joining the teaching staff at The Little School. I love how the school embraces not only the children but the family and community as well. It truly is a place of great joy!”
Unforgettable Teaching Experience: “Through the years I’ve had so many incredible teaching moments, but one that stands out for me was when I visiting a school in Hunan, China (where I adopted my daughter!). I was invited to teach some words and songs to a class of second graders, and they in turn “attempted” to teach me some Chinese. It was great fun!
Fun Fact: “I love the ocean and over the years have enjoyed scuba diving and sailing in the Bahamas and the Grenadines. (On sailing trips I enjoyed being the head chef and I’ve whipped up many a fine meal for my fellow crew members in a very tiny galley!) One of my more memorable trips was a course I took through Florida International University on board a boat, where we conducted research on the dolphin population in the Bahama Sand Banks. What a privilege and joy it was to spend a week studying and swimming with dolphins in the wild!”
Family: My husband Dick is employed with Trader Joe’s and our daughter Katie is 14 and an 8th grader at A.L. Stanback. We moved to Hillsborough from South Florida in July of 2008 and live in nearby Beckett’s Ridge. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, gardening, church activities and most of all being a Mom to my wonderful daughter Katie! Most Saturday mornings I can be found at the Hillsborough Farmer’s Market buying yummy organic veggies and fresh eggs from our local farmers. (Although to my husband’s surprise and my daughter’s delight last June I came home not only with my usual bounty of corn, tomatoes, and farm fresh eggs but an adorable puppy as well!) You never know what you might discover at the Farmer’s Market!
Miss Kristin
Miss Kristin brings a wealth of experience to The Little School. She graduated from Hillsborough Schools and is close to completing her AAS in Early Childhood Education from Central Carolina Community College. Kristin has a love of young children and has spent the past thirteen years in preschool settings where she has enjoyed nothing more than seeing the light in a child’s eyes when they master a new skill. For the past few years, she has been a preschool director and is looking forward to returning to the classroom so that she can work directly with young children again. Children are her first priority and she brings a focus on healthy eating and physical activity to her work with them. Kristin lives in Durham with her three children and is very proud of the people they are growing up to be.
Name: Miss MaryBeth,
Education: I currently hold an Associates Degree in Applied Science in Graphic Design. My love for Art inspired me to incorporate it into children’s lives so they can experience the joy of self-expression and creating something they're proud of. My goal is to further my education in the fields of Humanities and Human Development and to earn my Bachelor’s degree and beyond.
Classroom Experience: 10 years in a child-care setting, as well as 5 years in a self-contained class for children with Autism.
Education Passions: I’ve always believed that being part of a community was very important. Growing up in a small town on Long Island, NY our community was very strong and it helped to make me the person that I am today. I look forward to being part of that type of community again. As a new member of TLS community I hope that my experiences will help to enrich the lives of the children as much as they will enrich mine. I'm very excited to be a part of TLS and look forward to many years ahead!!!
Unforgettable Teaching Experience: Working with children with Autism really made me appreciate the different ways children learn and develop and how they’re environment and the way that they are treated truly contributes to their success. In working with these special children I was blessed to be able to work with the Special Olympics organization which is truly an amazing and rewarding experience.
Family: In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also love creating memories with my boyfriend and my dog Miles. I'm so lucky to have 2 of my sisters and their families live close by in NC and whenever I can I love to visit my parents and the rest of my family and friends on Long Island.
Fun Fact:As a member of a LARGE Irish-Catholic family I have been surrounded by children as long as I can remember! I became an Aunt at 8 years old and from then on I knew I was going to be involved in working with children in some way.
Name: Miss Amber
Education: NC Early Childhood Credentials, enrolled at Alamance Community College in Early Childhood program, hope to get masters in education
Classroom Experience: 3 ½ years experience in licensed child care
Educational Passions: “My passion is living itself. I am excited to be at The Little School because of the family they have formed together. I believe they strive for the best.”
Unforgettable Teaching Experience: “When my preschool class graduated. They sang a song to me and said I was the reason they learned.”
Fun Fact: Miss Amber is a photographer and scrapbook maniac.
Family: Engaged to Stephen, two dogs that are her “children”
Name: Miss Jennifer
Education: NC Early Childhood Credentials, Associates Degree in Business Administration
Classroom Experience: Ran licensed in-home childcare for twelve years, elementary school substitute, director of children’s ministries at church
Educational Passions: “My lifelong passion is to come along side parents to learn and grow with children in all areas of development
Fun Fact: Miss Jennifer married her high school sweetheart and they have been together for 19 years
Family; Married for twelve years, two children Madelynn, age 10, Ryan, age 7
Glimpse: The Little School’s Four Big Ideas
The Little School’s driving forces are born from a variety of sources and experiences. It is a constantly evolving process that is filled with discovery of new ideas, discussion and discourse, reading and research, and an approach that values openness and learning, with a shared goal of growth for both teachers and children.
The Little School today is the result of a five-year evolution that began with a mission to integrate components of the Reggio Emilia approach into our school. Reading and observing how this approach deepened our understanding of children, we were propelled in many different directions to learn more and progress our knowledge and experience to support these guiding principles.
Following is a snapshot of the ideas and perspectives that influence how we interact with the children on a daily basis. To really know The Little School, one has to be immersed in it for some time, living in the moments, and reflecting with us as we grow. However, the following articles and pages will provide a foundation for a common language and understanding.
These “Four Big Ideas” carry with them many of the same themes – among them community, growth, choice, beauty, understanding, intent. They share these themes while also expanding perspectives in other areas. While each of these big ideas could stand alone, taken together, they grow and combine to create a broad framework for who we are as a school.
The Four Big Ideas
The Reggio Approach
Conscious Discipline
Portfolio and Observation
What is Reggio Emilia?
by Rose Garrett
A growing form of early childhood education, called the Reggio Emilia approach, is turning heads with its unique take on teaching –one which makes parents, teachers, and children equal shareholders in the learning initiative.
Reggio Emilia is an approach to education from a city in Italy in of the same name, which focuses on the educational importance of community and free inquiry as its primary values. Since its development in the 1940's, the Reggio approach has spread into a worldwide network of preschools and kindergartens, with designs for elementary classes in the works.
Although the Reggio approach shares some of the values of the better-known Waldorf and Montessori schools, it's not a philosophy with a set system of beliefs. Rather, it's an approach based around certain fundamental values about how children learn. “These values are interpreted in different schools, different contexts, and different ways,” says Susan Lyon, Executive Director of The Innovative Teacher Project, which aims to develop and promote Reggio inspired education.
Just what are these core values? Here's an introduction:
The child as an active participant in learning. The Reggio approach “sees a child as a very competent protagonist and initiator, who interacts with their environment,” says Lyon. Andra Young, head teacher of a Reggio inspired school in San Francisco's Presidio State Park, says that students are allowed to follow their own interests, but that “it's not willy-nilly.” For example, she says, students in her classroom were showing an interest in building, so she brought wood stumps and building materials into the classroom. While exploring how to hammer nails, the children were given the opportunity to reinforce math skills, problem-solving, and emerging literacy –all in relationship to their hands-on project.
The significance of environment. “The environment of the school is seen as the third educator,”after the teacher and the parent, says Lyon. Most Reggio classrooms include a studio, or “atelier,” which is filled with materials such as clay, paint, and writing implements. Children use these materials to represent concepts that they are learning in a hands-on way.
The teacher, parent, and child as collaborators in the process of learning. “Normally,” says Lyon, “parents are not seen as part of the educational process in an authentic way.” But the Reggio approach views the parent as an essential resource for their child's learning. To foster community, Reggio schools host a variety of events throughout each school year, including conferences and special lectures for parents. “For example, a teacher observed that a lot of parents were complaining that their children weren't sleeping well,” Lyon says. The school responded by bringing someone in to speak to parents about the issue.
Making learning visible. “The teacher observes and documents the daily life of the school to make learning visible,” says Lyon. In Reggio inspired classrooms, teachers use a variety of documentation methods, such as cameras, tape recorders, and journals, to track children's thoughts and ideas as they play together or work with materials. For example, says Young, each child has a portfolio binder, including photographs of their projects, quotes from the child, artwork, and writing samples. “It's kind of like a narrative of what the child learns at school,” says Young, noting that the children take great pride and satisfaction in their portfolios.
Although adapting the values of the Reggio Emilia approach can be challenging for teachers, Young says it's worth it. “Validating the children's work and supporting the child to go deeper into their perception of the world is the most important part of the process.” Parents and teachers will agree: it's never too soon to start giving your child a nose for knowledge and the tools to investigate the world.
Principles of the Reggio Approach
The early childhood educational system of the municipality of Reggio Emilia, Italy, provides the inspiration and principles upon which the Center is built.
The Image of the Child - Children are viewed as competent, curious, full of knowledge, potential, and interested in connecting to the world around them.
Teachers as Partners - Teachers are viewed as facilitators of children’s learning experiences. As partners, they listen, document, challenge, and organize children’s learning in a collaborative relationship with other colleagues.
An Emergent Learning Process - Ideas are shared, work is exchanged and opportunities are created to extend and build upon theories that are uncovered. In this way of working, projects may occur which last days or months.
The Role of Parents - Parents are an essential component of the school. They are an active part of their children’s learning experiences and help to ensure the welfare of all the children in the school.
The Role of the Environment - Through the conscious use of space, color, light, displays of children’s work, and attention to nature and detail, the environment serves as another teacher.
Many Languages - Children act on a variety of materials: clay, wire, drawing media, paper, and so on. They learn the ABC’s of each material which they use to express their ideas, theories and feelings about the world in which they live.
The Three Subjects of Education - Children, parents and teachers have rights; the right to safety, care and welfare, the right to be involved and the right to grow professionally.
Collaboration and Interaction - Children, parent and teacher collaboration and interaction at all levels makes everything possible.
Documentation - The learning process between children and teachers is captured, made visible and then shared in order to support wondering, researching and learning among teachers and children.
Time - Time is influenced by the interests and activities that the children bring to life within the school. This in turn impacts schedules, groupings and routines
Conscious Discipline
Conscious Discipline
Becky Bailey
What is Conscious Discipline?
Conscious Discipline is a comprehensive classroom management program and a social-emotional curriculum. It is based on current brain research, child development information, and developmentally appropriate practices.
Conscious Discipline has been specifically designed to make changes in the lives of adults first. The adults, in turn, change the lives of children.
Conscious Discipline is a way or organizing schools and classrooms around the concept of a School Family. Each member of the family—both adult and child—learns the skills needed to successfully manage life tasks such as learning, forming relationships, communicating effectively, being sensitive to others’ needs and getting along with others.
Conscious Discipline empowers teachers and other adults with the Seven Powers for Self Control.
The Seven Powers of Self Control
Perception – No one can make you mad without your permission
Unity – We are all in this together
Love – See the best in others
Attention – What you focus on, you get more of
Acceptance – The moment is as it is
Free will – The only person you can make change is yourself
Intention – Conflict is an opportunity to teach
These powers allow teachers to draw from within themselves to become proactive instead of reactive during moments of conflict. Teachers stay in control of themselves and positively influence children.
Self-control is not pretending to be calm in difficult moments. Self-control is the ability to reach out and empathize with others; to accept and celebrate differences; to communicate feelings directly; resolve conflicts in constructive ways; and to enjoy becoming a contributing member of a community.
From the beliefs instilled with the Seven Powers for Self Control emerge the Seven Basic Skills of Discipline.
The Seven Basic Skills of Discipline
Composure - Becoming the person you want your children to be
Encouragement - Building a school family
Assertiveness - Respectfully setting limits
Choices – Building self esteem and will power
Positive Intent - Creating teachable moments, turning conflict into cooperation
Empathy - Handling the fussing and the fits
Consequences - Helping children learn from their mistakes
These skills change how adults respond to conflict in such a way as to facilitate the development of the frontal lobes in children. Through the Powers and Skills, adults stay in control of themselves and in charge of children.
As adults begin to change their attitudes and behaviors, so will the children in their care. We cannot teach behaviors and skills that we do not possess ourselves.
Ten "To Do's" for Discipline
Tell children what to do
Principle: What you focus on, you get more of.
Application: Instead of saying, "No pushing, you know better than to push your brother, pushing is not nice," say, "When you want your brother to move say, 'Move please.' Tell him now." Focus on what you want your children to do!
Give children useable information, especially when you are upset.
Principle: When you are upset you are always focused on what you don't want.
Application: Instead of saying, "Why isn't this homework done? Do you want to fail? How many times do we have to go over this?" you could say, "You can start with your math homework or reading. Which is best for you?"
Help children to be successful instead of attempting to make or get them to behave.
Principle: The only person you can make change is yourself.
Application: How often have we attempted to make a smoker quit smoking or growing child eat her peas? There is a better way. Instead of asking yourself, "How am I going to get my child to stay in bed," ask yourself, "How am I going to help my child be more likely to choose to stay in her bed?" The first question will give you manipulative, coercive answers. The second question will give you creative, cooperative solutions.
Use your children as resources to solve their own problems.
Principle: Two heads are better than one.
Application: Instead of you trying to figure out what needs to be done, ask your children for input. You could say, "What would help you finish your homework by 8:00 p.m.?" Help children solve their problems themselves.
Put your children on your "to do list" and spend time enjoying them.
Principle: The motivation to behave comes from being in relationship with one another.
Application: When a child says, "I don't care," she is really saying, "I don't feel cared for." Cooperation comes from connection. If your child chronically refuses to listen or tells you they don't care, then you must start by rebuilding your relationship and rekindling family rituals.
Encourage your children during wonderful times and tough times. Do not attempt to get children to feel bad in order to behave better.
Principle: Encouragement empowers.
Application: Be your children's cheerleader. Constantly tell them, "You did it," "Way to go," "Look at you," or "Good for you." When you children are struggling you might say, "I believe in you, you can do this."
Take back your power. You are in charge.
Principle: Whoever you believe to be in charge of your feelings, you have placed in
charge of you.
Application: Instead of saying, "Don't make me have to pull this car over," say, "I'm
going to pull this car over until the seatbelts are fastened and everyone is safe."
Instead of saying, "You drive me nuts," say, "I'm going to take a few deep breaths
and calm myself down. Then I will talk to you." When children refuse to do what you
ask state, "I'm going to show you what I want you to do." Them help them be
Become the person you want your children to be.
Principle: We must discipline ourselves first and our children second.
Application: Instead of screaming, "You better get control of yourself right now," take
a deep breath and calm yourself down. Be a S.T.A.R. (Smile, Take a deep breath,
And Relax). Become what you want your child to be. If you want calmness,
demonstrate how to be calm.
Do not save your children from the consequences of their actions.
Principle: Psychological pain is a signal to make changes in your life.
Application: Help your child handle disappointing choices. Offer empathy instead of
lectures after poor choices. Instead of saying, "I told you not to take that picture to
school. It's your own fault it got torn in half. That is what you get for not listening to
me," say, "How disappointing for you. I know how important that picture was to you."
Empathy allows children to take responsibility for their actions, while lecturing
allows them to blame you for their distress.
Teach children how to handle their conflicts instead of punishing them for not knowing how.
Principle: Conflict is an opportunity to teach.
Application: When one child comes to you tattling on the other, use these moments
to teach life skills. When one sibling says, "He pushed me," you say, "Did you like
it?" The child will likely say, "No!" At this point you can say, "Go tell your brother, 'I
don't like it when you push me.'" Use these intrusive episodes as a way to teach
assertiveness skills to your children.
Become conscious of the intent behind each of your interactions. Your intent is more powerful than any words.
Portfolio and Observation
Assessing Young Children
Article by Dr. Cathy Grace
The measurement of young children's growth is accomplished in a variety of ways. Using a yardstick and door facing, we can chart growth in height; with a set of scales, we can determine if a child has had a gain in weight from the last time she was weighed. Measurement tools range from a yardstick to a sample of a child's work with numerous assessment strategies in between. The challenge facing early childhood educators is to stay the course and to use common sense in the decisions that are made with regard to the assessment of young children.
As high-stakes testing becomes a reality in more and more states, early childhood educators are often put in the awkward position of defending the belief that the progress young children make in all developmental areas is a continuous and ongoing assessment, and that other methods may be more accurate than the once-a-year testing event.
One of the most comprehensive on-going assessment techniques is the student portfolio. The portfolio is a system for the collection of authentic assessments. Authentic assessment is a term that conveys that students are given opportunities to work in the application of knowledge and skills in the same ways that they are used in the "real" world outside of school. Authentic work samples are products of children's work that reflects real situations and problems addressed in the learning environment, rather than contrived instructional situations. The collection of these work samples along with the regularly recorded observations of children's interactions and comments serve to show children's progress over time and in a variety of situations. The key to the effective use of information collected through this approach is the teacher's knowledge of child development and skill as a keen observer.
Prior to the collection of the work samples and observational records, teachers should establish the criteria to guide the decisions made in the selection of the work and the recording of observations. The criteria should be based on the goals of the educational program and research-based child development milestones. The method of collecting the work and recording the children's behavior and responses varies. The method depends on the size of the class and the number of teachers observing and interacting with the children on a daily basis. All work collected and observations recorded must be dated and accompanied by brief statement to explain the context in which the work was done. This method of collection is critical in the development of a timeline of progress that this system promotes. Children's successes are being monitored, not their failures. The observation and collection of work is to be viewed as part of the instructional process and not separate. It is this connection with the student that makes the assessment real and personal.
Teachers can conference with children as young as four years about the work they feel should be kept in the portfolio. This conferencing is a part of the instructional time as children are beginning to evaluate their work against a standard and to discuss the process they went through in completing the task. Teachers, in their use of questions and comments, can lead children, often slowly at first, to embrace the process of learning as well as the product of their work through the conferencing process. For children who want the work to go home and to remain in the portfolio, a copying machine easily solves the dilemma. Using photographs and constructing block structures to record projects provide a means to capture cooperative learning experiences as well as illustrations of progress in the use of various media and construction materials.
Examples of authentic work samples are:
Children's art work collected periodically throughout the year
Samples of children's writing such as in journals or with the case of very young children, writing attempts such as writing their name on a picture or attempting to design a menu for the "restaurant" being constructed in the dramatic play area of the classroom
Photographs of a child's block tower or snap block structure
Photographs of children's cooperative work such as murals or the on-going record keeping and analysis of the temperature for a month
Portfolios are used as the center- piece of parental conferences. Children five years and older are encouraged to conference with their parents and the teacher to explain the work and why it is included in the collection. Pass along portfolios are those that move from grade to grade, following the child. At the conclusion of the school year, the parents and child determine the work that will be passed along and the work that will go home. Some teachers send the portfolios home at the end of the school year for parents to keep and reflect upon during the years to come.
Numerous on-going assessment systems for young children are now available. These assessments guide the teacher's observations and offer a means to assess the curriculum to determine if children are being given opportunities to grow in all domains. The following Web sites offer further information on some of the most widely used assessment systems:
High/Scope: The Child Observation Record http://www.highscope.org/
National early childhood associations have convened researchers and practitioners to develop position statements around the issue of appropriate assessment for young children. To gain access to those statements go to http://southernearlychildhood.org/. These position statements can be used in discussions with parents and school administrators in explaining the reasons why on-going assessment is a responsible form of gathering real information on young children's progress.
The assessment of young children is truly a celebration of their lives and advancements if teachers view it as such. Information gained in the assessment process can also be used in the planning of work that addresses the needs of the child as evidenced in the collection of work samples and teacher observations. And most importantly, it can be used as a tool in the sharing of progress with the child's family and with the child herself.
About the Author
Dr. Cathy Grace is the Director of the Early Childhood Institute at Mississippi State University (http://www.educ.msstate.edu/cni/eci/). She was the former Executive Director of the Southern Early Childhood Association and co-authored The Portfolio Book: A Step-by-Step Guide for Teachers with Elizabeth F. Shores.
Published: December 2001
Effective Observation Strategies
The Desired Results system involves direct observation of children, using an instrument called the "Desired Results Developmental Profile" (DRDP). Developmental assessment is designed to deepen understanding of a child's strengths and to identify areas where a child may need additional support. Teachers and other child development professionals are encouraged to complete the developmental profiles through observation, a method of gathering information by carefully and systematically observing children in their early care and education environments.
Conducting Effective Observations
The process of systematically observing the development of children in the context of day-to
day family and early care and education activities is the initial step in finding and planning appropriate strategies to support the continuing development of children and families. Information gathered through observations can help child care providers in arranging the environment and in developing curricular plans and materials.
There are a variety of ways of gathering information through observations, including the following: videotapes and cassette recordings; photographs; portfolios; anecdotal records, diaries, and logs; activity lists; time sampling and event recording; and checklists and rating scales.
Effective observation of children requires training and practice on the part of observers. It also requires an environment that is conducive to documenting children's activities and interactions with minimal effort or interruption to the natural flow of typical daily routines.
Using Observation
When using observation to complete the "Desired Results Developmental Profile" (DRDP), educators need to consider the following points:
1. Use skilled observers. Observation is a complex, critical skill that can be developed through systematic training and practice. Observers completing the DRDP must be the teacher or caregiver who is the most familiar with the child.
Observers must also do the following:
• Be familiar with the tools, measures, and indicators for the developmental levels being observed.
• Have an in-depth understanding of child development, including cultural variations expressed in children's behavior.
• Identify high-risk behavior or danger signals that may indicate possible disabilities or other detrimental circumstances.
• Understand the child's cultural context. Family and community cultures influence the child's access to multiple approaches to literacy and are also related to expectations regarding a child's educational accomplishments.
• Consider the child's experience. Is the child challenged by premature birth, a medical condition, or poverty? Is the child the product of a healthy, full-term delivery and living in an economically secure and supportive household that affords ample opportunities for play and discovery?
• Be aware of how performance styles, motivational factors, and environmental variables influence the judgments made about children's strengths and weaknesses.
• Refrain from labeling and avoid the tendency to place stereotypical expectations on children.
• Be aware of a child's total performance (across developmental domains), even when you are focusing on a single aspect of behavior.
2. Set up the environment to support effective observations of children.
Observers can do the following to provide an appropriate environment
• Arrange activities so that the observers can watch from a place where they can hear children's conversations.
• Plan activities that do not require the full assistance of teachers or caregivers when they wish to observe a child.
• Seat the observer unobtrusively near children's activities.
• Scatter "observation chairs" at strategic locations throughout the program, if possible.
• Children who are accustomed to having observers present who are "writing" are more likely to behave naturally and allow the observer to take notes without interruption.
• Carry a small notepad in a pocket. In several places on the wall, hang clipboards with lined paper and an attached pencil.
3. Keep a few specific points in mind.
Observers can do the following to improve their effectiveness:
• Focus on observing exactly what the child does. Be as objective as possible. Do not let prior opinions or stereotypes influence your judgment.
• Record your observations as soon as possible. Details may be important and can be easily forgotten.
• Observe in a variety of settings and at different times during the day.
• Be realistic in scheduling observations. Haphazard or incomplete observations will not present an accurate or comprehensive picture of the child's behavior.
• Focus on one child at a time. Assign staff to observe specific children so that those observers can concentrate on getting to know a few children very well.
• Observe children during their natural daily routines. Avoid being obvious.
• Ensure confidentiality at all times.
• Plan ahead. Are there times when the availability of extra staff or the nature of the day's activities seems better suited to observation?
From Prekindergarten Learning & Development Guidelines, California Department of Education. Sacramento, 2000.
The benefits of playing in nature: what we all know and research confirms
Children & Nature Network, http://www.cnaturenet.org/.
Annotated Bibliographies of Research and Studies, Volumes 1 and 2 (2007).
Children’s lifestyle research
Children today spend less time playing outdoors than any previous generation. Primary concern: 82% of mothers with children between the ages of 3 and 12 cited crime and safety concerns (Clements, 2004)
Today’s children have a more restricted range in which they can play freely, have fewer playmates who are less diverse, and are more home-centered than any previous generation (Karsten, 2005)
Children’s free play and discretionary time declined more than seven hours a week from 1981 to 1997 and an additional two hours from 1997 to 2003, totaling 9 hours less a week of time over a 25-year period in which children can choose to participate in unstructured activities (Hofferth and Sandberg, 2001; Hofferth and Curtin, 2006)
Obesity in children has increased from about 4% in the 1960s to close to 20% in 2004 (CDC, 2006)
Sixty two percent of children do not participate in any organized physical activity and 23% do not participate in any free-time physical activity (CDC, 2003) The percent of children who live within a mile of school and who walk or bike to school has declined nearly 25 percent in the past 30 years. Barely 21 percent of children today live within one mile of their school (CDC, 2006)
Children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years spend an average of 1.5 hours a day with electronic media. Youth between the ages of 8 and 18 spend an average of 6.5 hours a day with electronic media (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005 and 2006) While 71 percent of adults report that they walked or rode a bike to school when they were young, only 22 percent of children do so today. (Beldon Russonello and Stewart Research and Communications, 2003)
Ninety four percent of parents say that safety is their biggest concern when making decisions about whether to allow their children to engage in free play in the out-of-doors. (Bagley, Ball and Salmon, 2006)
Children predominantly play at home, with their activities monitored and controlled by adults, compared to children a generation ago. Only 3 percent of today’s children have a high degree of mobility and freedom in how and where they play. (Tandy, 1999) Children can identify 25 percent more Pokemon characters than wildlife species at eight years old. (Balmfold, Clegg, Coulson and Taylor, 2002) The Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design. North Carolina State University 2
Effect of nature on children’s lives
Contact with the natural world can significantly reduce symptoms of attention deficit disorder in children as young as five years old (Kuo and Taylor, 2004)
The greener a child’s everyday environment, the more manageable are their symptoms of attention-deficit disorder. (Taylor, Kuo and Sullivan, 2001)
Access to green spaces for play, and even a view of green settings, enhances peace, self-control and self-discipline within inner city youth, and particularly in girls (Taylor, Kuo and Sullivan, 2001)
Green plants and vistas reduce stress among highly stressed children in rural areas, with the results the most significant where there are the greatest number of plants, green views and access to natural play areas (Wells and Evans, 2003)
Nature is important to children’s development in every major way—intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically (Kellert, 2005)
Play in nature is especially important for developing capacities for creativity, problemsolving, and intellectual development. Therefore changes in our modern built environments should be made to optimize children’s positive contact with nature (Kellert, 2005)
Proximity to, views of, and daily exposure to natural settings increases children’s ability to focus and enhances cognitive abilities (Wells, 2000)
Positive direct experience in the out-of-doors and being taken outdoors by someone close to the child—a parent, grandparent, or other trusted guardian—are the two factors that most contribute to individuals choosing to take action to benefit the environment as adults. (Chawla, 2006)
Children who experience school grounds with diverse natural settings are more physically active, more aware of nutrition, more civil to one another and more creative (Bell and Dyment, 2006)
Outdoor experiences for teens result in enhanced self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, autonomy and initiative. These positive results persist through many years (Kellert with Derr, 1998)
Studies in the US show that schools that use outdoor classrooms and other forms of nature-based experiential education support significant student gains in social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students in outdoor science programs improved their science testing scores by 27% (American Institutes for Research, 2005)
Studies of children in schoolyards found that children engage in more creative forms of play in the green areas. They also played more cooperatively (Bell and Dyment, 2006) Children will be smarter, better able to get along with others, healthier and happier when they have regular opportunities for free and unstructured play in the out-of-doors (Burdette and Whitaker, 2005)
What Kindergarten Readiness Means to Kindergarten Teachers
Lisa Guernsey - November 2, 2009 - 10:48am
Data from a survey of kindergarten teachers in California's Santa Clara County adds to the mounting evidence that kindergarten readiness is not as simple to define as you might think.
Contrary to popular conceptions of what it means for a 5-year-old to be ready for kindergarten, most kindergarten teachers are not wishing for rooms full of children who can already identify the letters of the alphabet. What they want instead are children who have learned how to regulate their impulses, follow through on a difficult task and have the self-control to listen to the teacher's directions for a few minutes.
This was one of several messages that emerged in Sacramento last Thursday during a presentation of recent data from the Santa Clara County Partnership for School Readiness, a collaborative of public, private and non-profit organizations in Silicon Valley. The presentation was part of the forum at which the New America Foundation released our report on early education in California.
Researchers for the Santa Clara County Partnership surveyed 36 kindergarten teachers in 2008, asking them multiple questions about what they believed entering kindergarteners should to be able to do in the domains of self-care and motor skills, self-regulation, social expression and kindergarten academics. Loretta Burns, director for the partnership, showed this slide at the California event to explain how these domains build on each other:
While kindergarten academics is at the top of the pyramid, most kindergarten teachers did not report that children need to come in with a strong base in academic skills if they want to have a successful kindergarten year. Instead, the teachers gave top billing to self-care and motor skills followed by self-regulation.
Teachers said that it was easiest to help students develop their academic skills and hardest to make an impact in developing their self-regulation skills. In fact, they said they had to spend the most time in the classroom focusing on self-regulation.
This highlights the importance of designing interactions in the preschool years that are developmentally appropriate. Worksheets that force 4-year-olds to trace the outline of the letter A are a far cry from the types of experiences young children really need in the preschool years.
How can preschool and kindergarten experiences help children learn to self-regulate? Research on the importance of building self-regulation skills in young children has been accumulating over the past few years, and some of it is starting to zoom in on the significance of playtime, particularly pretend play scenarios that are child-led but feature teacher input. For example, the Tools of the Mind approach, which we've written about several times, incorporates pretend play in classroom settings and has been shown in scientific research to improve children's executive function and self-regulation skills.
Burns' presentation about the Santa Clara project was valuable on several other levels too. It provided a view of kindergarten readiness assessment that may help to dispel concerns about inappropriate testing of preschoolers. As Burns explained early in her presentation: "This is not about standardized tests for 4-year-olds."
The assessments in Santa Clara collect information from parents, teachers and observations of children in classroom settings. They are not used to determine where children should be placed or what schools they should attend, nor are they used to evaluate teachers or for other high-stakes purposes. The observations are done by trained teachers who look for signs of children's progress on multiple levels. Some examples of what they look for:
Can the child operate zippers or work with crayons?
Can the child follow one- or two-step directions?
Can the child engage in symbolic play with others (like playing house or fire station)?
Can the child count 10 objects correctly?
Santa Clara has been conducting these assessments since 2004, and the data is providing new insights to better prepare teachers for the children coming through their doors. Besides demographic and skill-based information, the data tells schools and teachers how many children are arriving with some experience in early learning environments like preschools and high-quality child care centers.
Collecting information like this is critical to ensuring that early education systems provide what children need. We hope that, as states continue to build out more robust and accessible systems of early learning for young children, well-designed and appropriate kindergarten readiness assessments like this one continue to be part of the picture.
The staff day began with a speed-introduction event in which teachers spent 5 minutes visiting with each other, asking questions and getting to know each other better. After five minutes, they switched chairs until each had met, and visited with everyone else. It was very important to us for the teachers to have an opportunity to talk with their future co-workers so that they felt comfortable as we form new teams.
After this, we gathered together to hear a talk from an educational consultant and former teacher, counselor, associate superintendent of schools, (but most importantly, Jennifer’s father), about the importance of the teacher-child relationship. It was an excellent reminder for all of us of the incredible opportunity we have to help guide and shape the children in our care. After being thoroughly motivated, we took a moment for each of us to write down a hope or dream for our new school and exchange it with another person.
We were treated to the most delicious lunch prepared by Chef Nate. This was such an excellent opportunity for our teachers to actually taste the delicious food that is in our future every day at our new school. Chef Nate made both chicken gumbo and vegetable curry, a huge salad, and several different types of homemade bread. It was so much fun for us to all invision what our lunches are going to be like once Nate is with us full-time.
For the afternoon session, we broke off into groups. Our current staff went through CPR training while the new staff went through orientation to the school. Jennifer presented our Four Big Ideas (please see the glimpse below), Christa presented an introduction to the Parent Handbook, and JoAnn presented an introduction to the Employee Handbook. The new staff also had the opportunity to meet with our new program manager and hear her vision for the school.
It was a long, but very good day. In the end, we felt incredibly blessed to have this amazingly talented, caring, and invested group of people call themselves ours. We know that you are going to love them.
Below is an introduction to the new staff. You can find the current staff bios on this website under the Staff button. The new staff members will be completing more in depth bios in January. You are all invited to join us for our open house on Saturday, December 5th from 10-12. The new teachers will be there as well as our Human Resources Manager, Miss JoAnn and our Program Manager, Miss Wendy. This is a family-friendly event and we will have activities for you to participate in at the open house. We will give a walking tour of the new campus from 12-1 for anyone who wants an early peek at the new school.
Introductions to new staff:
Name: Miss Cicely
Education: Credentials 1 and 2 as well as working towards a BA in Early Childhood Education.
Classroom Experience: Miss Cicely has worked as a teacher for the past 7 years. She has taught Infants-School-Aged children.
Educational Passions: Miss Cicely is passionate about watching small children learn to create and express themselves through the arts.
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "The last time that I worked with infants there was one baby who was just fascinating. I watched that baby take her first steps and say her first words within a month of each other and it just made me pause and think: AMAZING!"
Fun Fact: Miss Cicely is a gifted interior decorator and wedding planner.
Family: Miss Cicely moved to NC from Colorado Springs, CO. She has been married to her husband, Benjamin for 8 years and is the mother of 3 beautiful children, A'dre'ja, Inella and Maliki.
Name: Miss Davian
Education: BA in Human Services with a minor in Psychology.
Classroom Experience: Miss Davian has been teaching for 12 years.
Educational Passions: "I love to teach in child-centered settings and am particularly excited about working in a Reggio-Inspired school."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: Working with children with special needs while also helping typically developing children to become aware of learning differences.
Fun Fact: "I was a contestant on Wheel of Fortune. That's right, I met Pat and Vanna!"
Family: Miss Davian lives with her husband Steve and their dog, Magenta. They are currently completing their application to adopt their first child.
Name: Miss Valerie
Education: BA in Child Development
Classroom Experience: Four and a half years teaching preschool.
Educational Passions: "I love listening and learning from children. Children are rich with knowledge and experience that we all benefit from. I am thrilled to be at The Little School because it embodies the goals and enrichment of children that I believe so strongly in."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "Children's art in general is always unforgettable. I love to watch a child develop a piece of art while listening to them as they describe their creation and who it is for. These masterpieces must be displayed."
Fun Fact: I love to be barefoot so that I can enjoy the feel of the Earth on my feet.
Family: Miss Valerie has been married to her husband, Chris, for 22 years. They are the parents of two children, Dawson and Alexandria.
Name: Miss Jessica
Education: BFA in Fine Art
Classroom Experience: Three years working with at-risk kids in inner-city Chicago.
Educational Passions: "I live to make kids and adults laugh and feel comfortable. I am eager to give back to my community. I can think of no better way than by helping children grow and create and become strong, independent thinkers."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "Being a mother has made me see the world all over again. Being a teacher is like that. I can't wait to do it again."
Fun Fact: "I make t-shirts with myself on them and then encourage everyone I know to wear them."
Family: "I am married to my husband, Ed and we are Gus' parents. My son is a current TLS student. I consider it an amazing gift to be able to be on both sides of the TLS family."
Name: Miss Diana
Education: BS is Elementary Education as well as Montessori certification in upper and lower Elementary Education from the American Montessori Society
Classroom Experience: 17 years teaching experience.
Educational Passions: "I am passionate about teaching people and sharing with people wild edible plants. I enjoy making medicine from them as well as growing food in my garden. I am passionate about being with children in nature. I am so excited to be at the Little School because the schools' values about education and respect are so closely aligned with my own values. I feel respected as a teacher entering the school. It is a phenomenal feeling."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "There are too many to single out. I guess that it is being able to witness that Aha moment that children get when they make a discovery on their own for the first time."
Fun Fact: Miss Diana is a huge Tar Heels Basketball fan. Born in Germany and went to a different school every year from K-12.
Family: Miss Diana is the proud mother of 3 and grandmother of 1.
Name: Miss Paula
Education: BS in Public Health with a focus on Early Childhood Education
Classroom Experience: 7 years teaching experience in the classroom as well as 4 years as a camp counselor
Educational Passions: "I am passionate about not only early childhood education, but also about providing support for care givers."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "Watching a toddler at TLS use his own rolling language to explain what was happening in the news that day."
Fun Fact: Spent 2 summers in France at Cordon Bleu. Favorite sport is bull riding!
Family: Proud mother of one son and grandmother to one grandson.
Name: Miss Laura
Education: BA in English
Classroom Experience: Ten years in the classroom- plus one year as a TLS substitute.
Educational Passions: "I love to laugh. I am so very grateful to have found a school that values friendliness and imagination and promotes those in children and teachers."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "I worked with a 3 year girl who was absolutely fascinated by letters. I watched her sit in front of a poster of the ASL alphabet and learn it. She inspired me to learn it and before long the whole class could spell and recognize each others names in sign language."
Fun Fact: "I have a cat named June who has taught me to play fetch. I also have a cat named Jill who can stretch a meow out for over 10 seconds"
Name: Miss Rose
Education: BS in Special Education
Classroom Experience: 14 years teaching special education and 7 years preschool lead teacher
Educational Passions: "I love doing projects with children. I love when children create something from nothing."
Most Unforgettable Teaching Experience: "I love to see children share their successes with their peers."
Fun Fact: Miss Rose is a sailing instructor
Family: Miss Rose is the happy mother of 4 children.
Name: Miss Jo-Anne Woodruff (AKA “Miss Jo”)
Education: BA in Early Childhood Education, Med in Elementary Education
Classroom Experience: Experience in both public and private schools in Florida, Texas and North Carolina.
Educational Passions: “My passion is working with children! There is nothing more rewarding and magical than guiding a child as they discover and learn! I feel so blessed and privileged to be joining the teaching staff at The Little School. I love how the school embraces not only the children but the family and community as well. It truly is a place of great joy!”
Unforgettable Teaching Experience: “Through the years I’ve had so many incredible teaching moments, but one that stands out for me was when I visiting a school in Hunan, China (where I adopted my daughter!). I was invited to teach some words and songs to a class of second graders, and they in turn “attempted” to teach me some Chinese. It was great fun!
Fun Fact: “I love the ocean and over the years have enjoyed scuba diving and sailing in the Bahamas and the Grenadines. (On sailing trips I enjoyed being the head chef and I’ve whipped up many a fine meal for my fellow crew members in a very tiny galley!) One of my more memorable trips was a course I took through Florida International University on board a boat, where we conducted research on the dolphin population in the Bahama Sand Banks. What a privilege and joy it was to spend a week studying and swimming with dolphins in the wild!”
Family: My husband Dick is employed with Trader Joe’s and our daughter Katie is 14 and an 8th grader at A.L. Stanback. We moved to Hillsborough from South Florida in July of 2008 and live in nearby Beckett’s Ridge. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, gardening, church activities and most of all being a Mom to my wonderful daughter Katie! Most Saturday mornings I can be found at the Hillsborough Farmer’s Market buying yummy organic veggies and fresh eggs from our local farmers. (Although to my husband’s surprise and my daughter’s delight last June I came home not only with my usual bounty of corn, tomatoes, and farm fresh eggs but an adorable puppy as well!) You never know what you might discover at the Farmer’s Market!
Miss Kristin
Miss Kristin brings a wealth of experience to The Little School. She graduated from Hillsborough Schools and is close to completing her AAS in Early Childhood Education from Central Carolina Community College. Kristin has a love of young children and has spent the past thirteen years in preschool settings where she has enjoyed nothing more than seeing the light in a child’s eyes when they master a new skill. For the past few years, she has been a preschool director and is looking forward to returning to the classroom so that she can work directly with young children again. Children are her first priority and she brings a focus on healthy eating and physical activity to her work with them. Kristin lives in Durham with her three children and is very proud of the people they are growing up to be.
Name: Miss MaryBeth,
Education: I currently hold an Associates Degree in Applied Science in Graphic Design. My love for Art inspired me to incorporate it into children’s lives so they can experience the joy of self-expression and creating something they're proud of. My goal is to further my education in the fields of Humanities and Human Development and to earn my Bachelor’s degree and beyond.
Classroom Experience: 10 years in a child-care setting, as well as 5 years in a self-contained class for children with Autism.
Education Passions: I’ve always believed that being part of a community was very important. Growing up in a small town on Long Island, NY our community was very strong and it helped to make me the person that I am today. I look forward to being part of that type of community again. As a new member of TLS community I hope that my experiences will help to enrich the lives of the children as much as they will enrich mine. I'm very excited to be a part of TLS and look forward to many years ahead!!!
Unforgettable Teaching Experience: Working with children with Autism really made me appreciate the different ways children learn and develop and how they’re environment and the way that they are treated truly contributes to their success. In working with these special children I was blessed to be able to work with the Special Olympics organization which is truly an amazing and rewarding experience.
Family: In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also love creating memories with my boyfriend and my dog Miles. I'm so lucky to have 2 of my sisters and their families live close by in NC and whenever I can I love to visit my parents and the rest of my family and friends on Long Island.
Fun Fact:As a member of a LARGE Irish-Catholic family I have been surrounded by children as long as I can remember! I became an Aunt at 8 years old and from then on I knew I was going to be involved in working with children in some way.
Name: Miss Amber
Education: NC Early Childhood Credentials, enrolled at Alamance Community College in Early Childhood program, hope to get masters in education
Classroom Experience: 3 ½ years experience in licensed child care
Educational Passions: “My passion is living itself. I am excited to be at The Little School because of the family they have formed together. I believe they strive for the best.”
Unforgettable Teaching Experience: “When my preschool class graduated. They sang a song to me and said I was the reason they learned.”
Fun Fact: Miss Amber is a photographer and scrapbook maniac.
Family: Engaged to Stephen, two dogs that are her “children”
Name: Miss Jennifer
Education: NC Early Childhood Credentials, Associates Degree in Business Administration
Classroom Experience: Ran licensed in-home childcare for twelve years, elementary school substitute, director of children’s ministries at church
Educational Passions: “My lifelong passion is to come along side parents to learn and grow with children in all areas of development
Fun Fact: Miss Jennifer married her high school sweetheart and they have been together for 19 years
Family; Married for twelve years, two children Madelynn, age 10, Ryan, age 7
Glimpse: The Little School’s Four Big Ideas
The Little School’s driving forces are born from a variety of sources and experiences. It is a constantly evolving process that is filled with discovery of new ideas, discussion and discourse, reading and research, and an approach that values openness and learning, with a shared goal of growth for both teachers and children.
The Little School today is the result of a five-year evolution that began with a mission to integrate components of the Reggio Emilia approach into our school. Reading and observing how this approach deepened our understanding of children, we were propelled in many different directions to learn more and progress our knowledge and experience to support these guiding principles.
Following is a snapshot of the ideas and perspectives that influence how we interact with the children on a daily basis. To really know The Little School, one has to be immersed in it for some time, living in the moments, and reflecting with us as we grow. However, the following articles and pages will provide a foundation for a common language and understanding.
These “Four Big Ideas” carry with them many of the same themes – among them community, growth, choice, beauty, understanding, intent. They share these themes while also expanding perspectives in other areas. While each of these big ideas could stand alone, taken together, they grow and combine to create a broad framework for who we are as a school.
The Four Big Ideas
The Reggio Approach
Conscious Discipline
Portfolio and Observation
What is Reggio Emilia?
by Rose Garrett
A growing form of early childhood education, called the Reggio Emilia approach, is turning heads with its unique take on teaching –one which makes parents, teachers, and children equal shareholders in the learning initiative.
Reggio Emilia is an approach to education from a city in Italy in of the same name, which focuses on the educational importance of community and free inquiry as its primary values. Since its development in the 1940's, the Reggio approach has spread into a worldwide network of preschools and kindergartens, with designs for elementary classes in the works.
Although the Reggio approach shares some of the values of the better-known Waldorf and Montessori schools, it's not a philosophy with a set system of beliefs. Rather, it's an approach based around certain fundamental values about how children learn. “These values are interpreted in different schools, different contexts, and different ways,” says Susan Lyon, Executive Director of The Innovative Teacher Project, which aims to develop and promote Reggio inspired education.
Just what are these core values? Here's an introduction:
The child as an active participant in learning. The Reggio approach “sees a child as a very competent protagonist and initiator, who interacts with their environment,” says Lyon. Andra Young, head teacher of a Reggio inspired school in San Francisco's Presidio State Park, says that students are allowed to follow their own interests, but that “it's not willy-nilly.” For example, she says, students in her classroom were showing an interest in building, so she brought wood stumps and building materials into the classroom. While exploring how to hammer nails, the children were given the opportunity to reinforce math skills, problem-solving, and emerging literacy –all in relationship to their hands-on project.
The significance of environment. “The environment of the school is seen as the third educator,”after the teacher and the parent, says Lyon. Most Reggio classrooms include a studio, or “atelier,” which is filled with materials such as clay, paint, and writing implements. Children use these materials to represent concepts that they are learning in a hands-on way.
The teacher, parent, and child as collaborators in the process of learning. “Normally,” says Lyon, “parents are not seen as part of the educational process in an authentic way.” But the Reggio approach views the parent as an essential resource for their child's learning. To foster community, Reggio schools host a variety of events throughout each school year, including conferences and special lectures for parents. “For example, a teacher observed that a lot of parents were complaining that their children weren't sleeping well,” Lyon says. The school responded by bringing someone in to speak to parents about the issue.
Making learning visible. “The teacher observes and documents the daily life of the school to make learning visible,” says Lyon. In Reggio inspired classrooms, teachers use a variety of documentation methods, such as cameras, tape recorders, and journals, to track children's thoughts and ideas as they play together or work with materials. For example, says Young, each child has a portfolio binder, including photographs of their projects, quotes from the child, artwork, and writing samples. “It's kind of like a narrative of what the child learns at school,” says Young, noting that the children take great pride and satisfaction in their portfolios.
Although adapting the values of the Reggio Emilia approach can be challenging for teachers, Young says it's worth it. “Validating the children's work and supporting the child to go deeper into their perception of the world is the most important part of the process.” Parents and teachers will agree: it's never too soon to start giving your child a nose for knowledge and the tools to investigate the world.
Principles of the Reggio Approach
The early childhood educational system of the municipality of Reggio Emilia, Italy, provides the inspiration and principles upon which the Center is built.
The Image of the Child - Children are viewed as competent, curious, full of knowledge, potential, and interested in connecting to the world around them.
Teachers as Partners - Teachers are viewed as facilitators of children’s learning experiences. As partners, they listen, document, challenge, and organize children’s learning in a collaborative relationship with other colleagues.
An Emergent Learning Process - Ideas are shared, work is exchanged and opportunities are created to extend and build upon theories that are uncovered. In this way of working, projects may occur which last days or months.
The Role of Parents - Parents are an essential component of the school. They are an active part of their children’s learning experiences and help to ensure the welfare of all the children in the school.
The Role of the Environment - Through the conscious use of space, color, light, displays of children’s work, and attention to nature and detail, the environment serves as another teacher.
Many Languages - Children act on a variety of materials: clay, wire, drawing media, paper, and so on. They learn the ABC’s of each material which they use to express their ideas, theories and feelings about the world in which they live.
The Three Subjects of Education - Children, parents and teachers have rights; the right to safety, care and welfare, the right to be involved and the right to grow professionally.
Collaboration and Interaction - Children, parent and teacher collaboration and interaction at all levels makes everything possible.
Documentation - The learning process between children and teachers is captured, made visible and then shared in order to support wondering, researching and learning among teachers and children.
Time - Time is influenced by the interests and activities that the children bring to life within the school. This in turn impacts schedules, groupings and routines
Conscious Discipline
Conscious Discipline
Becky Bailey
What is Conscious Discipline?
Conscious Discipline is a comprehensive classroom management program and a social-emotional curriculum. It is based on current brain research, child development information, and developmentally appropriate practices.
Conscious Discipline has been specifically designed to make changes in the lives of adults first. The adults, in turn, change the lives of children.
Conscious Discipline is a way or organizing schools and classrooms around the concept of a School Family. Each member of the family—both adult and child—learns the skills needed to successfully manage life tasks such as learning, forming relationships, communicating effectively, being sensitive to others’ needs and getting along with others.
Conscious Discipline empowers teachers and other adults with the Seven Powers for Self Control.
The Seven Powers of Self Control
Perception – No one can make you mad without your permission
Unity – We are all in this together
Love – See the best in others
Attention – What you focus on, you get more of
Acceptance – The moment is as it is
Free will – The only person you can make change is yourself
Intention – Conflict is an opportunity to teach
These powers allow teachers to draw from within themselves to become proactive instead of reactive during moments of conflict. Teachers stay in control of themselves and positively influence children.
Self-control is not pretending to be calm in difficult moments. Self-control is the ability to reach out and empathize with others; to accept and celebrate differences; to communicate feelings directly; resolve conflicts in constructive ways; and to enjoy becoming a contributing member of a community.
From the beliefs instilled with the Seven Powers for Self Control emerge the Seven Basic Skills of Discipline.
The Seven Basic Skills of Discipline
Composure - Becoming the person you want your children to be
Encouragement - Building a school family
Assertiveness - Respectfully setting limits
Choices – Building self esteem and will power
Positive Intent - Creating teachable moments, turning conflict into cooperation
Empathy - Handling the fussing and the fits
Consequences - Helping children learn from their mistakes
These skills change how adults respond to conflict in such a way as to facilitate the development of the frontal lobes in children. Through the Powers and Skills, adults stay in control of themselves and in charge of children.
As adults begin to change their attitudes and behaviors, so will the children in their care. We cannot teach behaviors and skills that we do not possess ourselves.
Ten "To Do's" for Discipline
Tell children what to do
Principle: What you focus on, you get more of.
Application: Instead of saying, "No pushing, you know better than to push your brother, pushing is not nice," say, "When you want your brother to move say, 'Move please.' Tell him now." Focus on what you want your children to do!
Give children useable information, especially when you are upset.
Principle: When you are upset you are always focused on what you don't want.
Application: Instead of saying, "Why isn't this homework done? Do you want to fail? How many times do we have to go over this?" you could say, "You can start with your math homework or reading. Which is best for you?"
Help children to be successful instead of attempting to make or get them to behave.
Principle: The only person you can make change is yourself.
Application: How often have we attempted to make a smoker quit smoking or growing child eat her peas? There is a better way. Instead of asking yourself, "How am I going to get my child to stay in bed," ask yourself, "How am I going to help my child be more likely to choose to stay in her bed?" The first question will give you manipulative, coercive answers. The second question will give you creative, cooperative solutions.
Use your children as resources to solve their own problems.
Principle: Two heads are better than one.
Application: Instead of you trying to figure out what needs to be done, ask your children for input. You could say, "What would help you finish your homework by 8:00 p.m.?" Help children solve their problems themselves.
Put your children on your "to do list" and spend time enjoying them.
Principle: The motivation to behave comes from being in relationship with one another.
Application: When a child says, "I don't care," she is really saying, "I don't feel cared for." Cooperation comes from connection. If your child chronically refuses to listen or tells you they don't care, then you must start by rebuilding your relationship and rekindling family rituals.
Encourage your children during wonderful times and tough times. Do not attempt to get children to feel bad in order to behave better.
Principle: Encouragement empowers.
Application: Be your children's cheerleader. Constantly tell them, "You did it," "Way to go," "Look at you," or "Good for you." When you children are struggling you might say, "I believe in you, you can do this."
Take back your power. You are in charge.
Principle: Whoever you believe to be in charge of your feelings, you have placed in
charge of you.
Application: Instead of saying, "Don't make me have to pull this car over," say, "I'm
going to pull this car over until the seatbelts are fastened and everyone is safe."
Instead of saying, "You drive me nuts," say, "I'm going to take a few deep breaths
and calm myself down. Then I will talk to you." When children refuse to do what you
ask state, "I'm going to show you what I want you to do." Them help them be
Become the person you want your children to be.
Principle: We must discipline ourselves first and our children second.
Application: Instead of screaming, "You better get control of yourself right now," take
a deep breath and calm yourself down. Be a S.T.A.R. (Smile, Take a deep breath,
And Relax). Become what you want your child to be. If you want calmness,
demonstrate how to be calm.
Do not save your children from the consequences of their actions.
Principle: Psychological pain is a signal to make changes in your life.
Application: Help your child handle disappointing choices. Offer empathy instead of
lectures after poor choices. Instead of saying, "I told you not to take that picture to
school. It's your own fault it got torn in half. That is what you get for not listening to
me," say, "How disappointing for you. I know how important that picture was to you."
Empathy allows children to take responsibility for their actions, while lecturing
allows them to blame you for their distress.
Teach children how to handle their conflicts instead of punishing them for not knowing how.
Principle: Conflict is an opportunity to teach.
Application: When one child comes to you tattling on the other, use these moments
to teach life skills. When one sibling says, "He pushed me," you say, "Did you like
it?" The child will likely say, "No!" At this point you can say, "Go tell your brother, 'I
don't like it when you push me.'" Use these intrusive episodes as a way to teach
assertiveness skills to your children.
Become conscious of the intent behind each of your interactions. Your intent is more powerful than any words.
Portfolio and Observation
Assessing Young Children
Article by Dr. Cathy Grace
The measurement of young children's growth is accomplished in a variety of ways. Using a yardstick and door facing, we can chart growth in height; with a set of scales, we can determine if a child has had a gain in weight from the last time she was weighed. Measurement tools range from a yardstick to a sample of a child's work with numerous assessment strategies in between. The challenge facing early childhood educators is to stay the course and to use common sense in the decisions that are made with regard to the assessment of young children.
As high-stakes testing becomes a reality in more and more states, early childhood educators are often put in the awkward position of defending the belief that the progress young children make in all developmental areas is a continuous and ongoing assessment, and that other methods may be more accurate than the once-a-year testing event.
One of the most comprehensive on-going assessment techniques is the student portfolio. The portfolio is a system for the collection of authentic assessments. Authentic assessment is a term that conveys that students are given opportunities to work in the application of knowledge and skills in the same ways that they are used in the "real" world outside of school. Authentic work samples are products of children's work that reflects real situations and problems addressed in the learning environment, rather than contrived instructional situations. The collection of these work samples along with the regularly recorded observations of children's interactions and comments serve to show children's progress over time and in a variety of situations. The key to the effective use of information collected through this approach is the teacher's knowledge of child development and skill as a keen observer.
Prior to the collection of the work samples and observational records, teachers should establish the criteria to guide the decisions made in the selection of the work and the recording of observations. The criteria should be based on the goals of the educational program and research-based child development milestones. The method of collecting the work and recording the children's behavior and responses varies. The method depends on the size of the class and the number of teachers observing and interacting with the children on a daily basis. All work collected and observations recorded must be dated and accompanied by brief statement to explain the context in which the work was done. This method of collection is critical in the development of a timeline of progress that this system promotes. Children's successes are being monitored, not their failures. The observation and collection of work is to be viewed as part of the instructional process and not separate. It is this connection with the student that makes the assessment real and personal.
Teachers can conference with children as young as four years about the work they feel should be kept in the portfolio. This conferencing is a part of the instructional time as children are beginning to evaluate their work against a standard and to discuss the process they went through in completing the task. Teachers, in their use of questions and comments, can lead children, often slowly at first, to embrace the process of learning as well as the product of their work through the conferencing process. For children who want the work to go home and to remain in the portfolio, a copying machine easily solves the dilemma. Using photographs and constructing block structures to record projects provide a means to capture cooperative learning experiences as well as illustrations of progress in the use of various media and construction materials.
Examples of authentic work samples are:
Children's art work collected periodically throughout the year
Samples of children's writing such as in journals or with the case of very young children, writing attempts such as writing their name on a picture or attempting to design a menu for the "restaurant" being constructed in the dramatic play area of the classroom
Photographs of a child's block tower or snap block structure
Photographs of children's cooperative work such as murals or the on-going record keeping and analysis of the temperature for a month
Portfolios are used as the center- piece of parental conferences. Children five years and older are encouraged to conference with their parents and the teacher to explain the work and why it is included in the collection. Pass along portfolios are those that move from grade to grade, following the child. At the conclusion of the school year, the parents and child determine the work that will be passed along and the work that will go home. Some teachers send the portfolios home at the end of the school year for parents to keep and reflect upon during the years to come.
Numerous on-going assessment systems for young children are now available. These assessments guide the teacher's observations and offer a means to assess the curriculum to determine if children are being given opportunities to grow in all domains. The following Web sites offer further information on some of the most widely used assessment systems:
High/Scope: The Child Observation Record http://www.highscope.org/
National early childhood associations have convened researchers and practitioners to develop position statements around the issue of appropriate assessment for young children. To gain access to those statements go to http://southernearlychildhood.org/. These position statements can be used in discussions with parents and school administrators in explaining the reasons why on-going assessment is a responsible form of gathering real information on young children's progress.
The assessment of young children is truly a celebration of their lives and advancements if teachers view it as such. Information gained in the assessment process can also be used in the planning of work that addresses the needs of the child as evidenced in the collection of work samples and teacher observations. And most importantly, it can be used as a tool in the sharing of progress with the child's family and with the child herself.
About the Author
Dr. Cathy Grace is the Director of the Early Childhood Institute at Mississippi State University (http://www.educ.msstate.edu/cni/eci/). She was the former Executive Director of the Southern Early Childhood Association and co-authored The Portfolio Book: A Step-by-Step Guide for Teachers with Elizabeth F. Shores.
Published: December 2001
Effective Observation Strategies
The Desired Results system involves direct observation of children, using an instrument called the "Desired Results Developmental Profile" (DRDP). Developmental assessment is designed to deepen understanding of a child's strengths and to identify areas where a child may need additional support. Teachers and other child development professionals are encouraged to complete the developmental profiles through observation, a method of gathering information by carefully and systematically observing children in their early care and education environments.
Conducting Effective Observations
The process of systematically observing the development of children in the context of day-to
day family and early care and education activities is the initial step in finding and planning appropriate strategies to support the continuing development of children and families. Information gathered through observations can help child care providers in arranging the environment and in developing curricular plans and materials.
There are a variety of ways of gathering information through observations, including the following: videotapes and cassette recordings; photographs; portfolios; anecdotal records, diaries, and logs; activity lists; time sampling and event recording; and checklists and rating scales.
Effective observation of children requires training and practice on the part of observers. It also requires an environment that is conducive to documenting children's activities and interactions with minimal effort or interruption to the natural flow of typical daily routines.
Using Observation
When using observation to complete the "Desired Results Developmental Profile" (DRDP), educators need to consider the following points:
1. Use skilled observers. Observation is a complex, critical skill that can be developed through systematic training and practice. Observers completing the DRDP must be the teacher or caregiver who is the most familiar with the child.
Observers must also do the following:
• Be familiar with the tools, measures, and indicators for the developmental levels being observed.
• Have an in-depth understanding of child development, including cultural variations expressed in children's behavior.
• Identify high-risk behavior or danger signals that may indicate possible disabilities or other detrimental circumstances.
• Understand the child's cultural context. Family and community cultures influence the child's access to multiple approaches to literacy and are also related to expectations regarding a child's educational accomplishments.
• Consider the child's experience. Is the child challenged by premature birth, a medical condition, or poverty? Is the child the product of a healthy, full-term delivery and living in an economically secure and supportive household that affords ample opportunities for play and discovery?
• Be aware of how performance styles, motivational factors, and environmental variables influence the judgments made about children's strengths and weaknesses.
• Refrain from labeling and avoid the tendency to place stereotypical expectations on children.
• Be aware of a child's total performance (across developmental domains), even when you are focusing on a single aspect of behavior.
2. Set up the environment to support effective observations of children.
Observers can do the following to provide an appropriate environment
• Arrange activities so that the observers can watch from a place where they can hear children's conversations.
• Plan activities that do not require the full assistance of teachers or caregivers when they wish to observe a child.
• Seat the observer unobtrusively near children's activities.
• Scatter "observation chairs" at strategic locations throughout the program, if possible.
• Children who are accustomed to having observers present who are "writing" are more likely to behave naturally and allow the observer to take notes without interruption.
• Carry a small notepad in a pocket. In several places on the wall, hang clipboards with lined paper and an attached pencil.
3. Keep a few specific points in mind.
Observers can do the following to improve their effectiveness:
• Focus on observing exactly what the child does. Be as objective as possible. Do not let prior opinions or stereotypes influence your judgment.
• Record your observations as soon as possible. Details may be important and can be easily forgotten.
• Observe in a variety of settings and at different times during the day.
• Be realistic in scheduling observations. Haphazard or incomplete observations will not present an accurate or comprehensive picture of the child's behavior.
• Focus on one child at a time. Assign staff to observe specific children so that those observers can concentrate on getting to know a few children very well.
• Observe children during their natural daily routines. Avoid being obvious.
• Ensure confidentiality at all times.
• Plan ahead. Are there times when the availability of extra staff or the nature of the day's activities seems better suited to observation?
From Prekindergarten Learning & Development Guidelines, California Department of Education. Sacramento, 2000.
The benefits of playing in nature: what we all know and research confirms
Children & Nature Network, http://www.cnaturenet.org/.
Annotated Bibliographies of Research and Studies, Volumes 1 and 2 (2007).
Children’s lifestyle research
Children today spend less time playing outdoors than any previous generation. Primary concern: 82% of mothers with children between the ages of 3 and 12 cited crime and safety concerns (Clements, 2004)
Today’s children have a more restricted range in which they can play freely, have fewer playmates who are less diverse, and are more home-centered than any previous generation (Karsten, 2005)
Children’s free play and discretionary time declined more than seven hours a week from 1981 to 1997 and an additional two hours from 1997 to 2003, totaling 9 hours less a week of time over a 25-year period in which children can choose to participate in unstructured activities (Hofferth and Sandberg, 2001; Hofferth and Curtin, 2006)
Obesity in children has increased from about 4% in the 1960s to close to 20% in 2004 (CDC, 2006)
Sixty two percent of children do not participate in any organized physical activity and 23% do not participate in any free-time physical activity (CDC, 2003) The percent of children who live within a mile of school and who walk or bike to school has declined nearly 25 percent in the past 30 years. Barely 21 percent of children today live within one mile of their school (CDC, 2006)
Children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years spend an average of 1.5 hours a day with electronic media. Youth between the ages of 8 and 18 spend an average of 6.5 hours a day with electronic media (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005 and 2006) While 71 percent of adults report that they walked or rode a bike to school when they were young, only 22 percent of children do so today. (Beldon Russonello and Stewart Research and Communications, 2003)
Ninety four percent of parents say that safety is their biggest concern when making decisions about whether to allow their children to engage in free play in the out-of-doors. (Bagley, Ball and Salmon, 2006)
Children predominantly play at home, with their activities monitored and controlled by adults, compared to children a generation ago. Only 3 percent of today’s children have a high degree of mobility and freedom in how and where they play. (Tandy, 1999) Children can identify 25 percent more Pokemon characters than wildlife species at eight years old. (Balmfold, Clegg, Coulson and Taylor, 2002) The Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design. North Carolina State University 2
Effect of nature on children’s lives
Contact with the natural world can significantly reduce symptoms of attention deficit disorder in children as young as five years old (Kuo and Taylor, 2004)
The greener a child’s everyday environment, the more manageable are their symptoms of attention-deficit disorder. (Taylor, Kuo and Sullivan, 2001)
Access to green spaces for play, and even a view of green settings, enhances peace, self-control and self-discipline within inner city youth, and particularly in girls (Taylor, Kuo and Sullivan, 2001)
Green plants and vistas reduce stress among highly stressed children in rural areas, with the results the most significant where there are the greatest number of plants, green views and access to natural play areas (Wells and Evans, 2003)
Nature is important to children’s development in every major way—intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically (Kellert, 2005)
Play in nature is especially important for developing capacities for creativity, problemsolving, and intellectual development. Therefore changes in our modern built environments should be made to optimize children’s positive contact with nature (Kellert, 2005)
Proximity to, views of, and daily exposure to natural settings increases children’s ability to focus and enhances cognitive abilities (Wells, 2000)
Positive direct experience in the out-of-doors and being taken outdoors by someone close to the child—a parent, grandparent, or other trusted guardian—are the two factors that most contribute to individuals choosing to take action to benefit the environment as adults. (Chawla, 2006)
Children who experience school grounds with diverse natural settings are more physically active, more aware of nutrition, more civil to one another and more creative (Bell and Dyment, 2006)
Outdoor experiences for teens result in enhanced self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, autonomy and initiative. These positive results persist through many years (Kellert with Derr, 1998)
Studies in the US show that schools that use outdoor classrooms and other forms of nature-based experiential education support significant student gains in social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students in outdoor science programs improved their science testing scores by 27% (American Institutes for Research, 2005)
Studies of children in schoolyards found that children engage in more creative forms of play in the green areas. They also played more cooperatively (Bell and Dyment, 2006) Children will be smarter, better able to get along with others, healthier and happier when they have regular opportunities for free and unstructured play in the out-of-doors (Burdette and Whitaker, 2005)
What Kindergarten Readiness Means to Kindergarten Teachers
Lisa Guernsey - November 2, 2009 - 10:48am
Data from a survey of kindergarten teachers in California's Santa Clara County adds to the mounting evidence that kindergarten readiness is not as simple to define as you might think.
Contrary to popular conceptions of what it means for a 5-year-old to be ready for kindergarten, most kindergarten teachers are not wishing for rooms full of children who can already identify the letters of the alphabet. What they want instead are children who have learned how to regulate their impulses, follow through on a difficult task and have the self-control to listen to the teacher's directions for a few minutes.
This was one of several messages that emerged in Sacramento last Thursday during a presentation of recent data from the Santa Clara County Partnership for School Readiness, a collaborative of public, private and non-profit organizations in Silicon Valley. The presentation was part of the forum at which the New America Foundation released our report on early education in California.
Researchers for the Santa Clara County Partnership surveyed 36 kindergarten teachers in 2008, asking them multiple questions about what they believed entering kindergarteners should to be able to do in the domains of self-care and motor skills, self-regulation, social expression and kindergarten academics. Loretta Burns, director for the partnership, showed this slide at the California event to explain how these domains build on each other:
While kindergarten academics is at the top of the pyramid, most kindergarten teachers did not report that children need to come in with a strong base in academic skills if they want to have a successful kindergarten year. Instead, the teachers gave top billing to self-care and motor skills followed by self-regulation.
Teachers said that it was easiest to help students develop their academic skills and hardest to make an impact in developing their self-regulation skills. In fact, they said they had to spend the most time in the classroom focusing on self-regulation.
This highlights the importance of designing interactions in the preschool years that are developmentally appropriate. Worksheets that force 4-year-olds to trace the outline of the letter A are a far cry from the types of experiences young children really need in the preschool years.
How can preschool and kindergarten experiences help children learn to self-regulate? Research on the importance of building self-regulation skills in young children has been accumulating over the past few years, and some of it is starting to zoom in on the significance of playtime, particularly pretend play scenarios that are child-led but feature teacher input. For example, the Tools of the Mind approach, which we've written about several times, incorporates pretend play in classroom settings and has been shown in scientific research to improve children's executive function and self-regulation skills.
Burns' presentation about the Santa Clara project was valuable on several other levels too. It provided a view of kindergarten readiness assessment that may help to dispel concerns about inappropriate testing of preschoolers. As Burns explained early in her presentation: "This is not about standardized tests for 4-year-olds."
The assessments in Santa Clara collect information from parents, teachers and observations of children in classroom settings. They are not used to determine where children should be placed or what schools they should attend, nor are they used to evaluate teachers or for other high-stakes purposes. The observations are done by trained teachers who look for signs of children's progress on multiple levels. Some examples of what they look for:
Can the child operate zippers or work with crayons?
Can the child follow one- or two-step directions?
Can the child engage in symbolic play with others (like playing house or fire station)?
Can the child count 10 objects correctly?
Santa Clara has been conducting these assessments since 2004, and the data is providing new insights to better prepare teachers for the children coming through their doors. Besides demographic and skill-based information, the data tells schools and teachers how many children are arriving with some experience in early learning environments like preschools and high-quality child care centers.
Collecting information like this is critical to ensuring that early education systems provide what children need. We hope that, as states continue to build out more robust and accessible systems of early learning for young children, well-designed and appropriate kindergarten readiness assessments like this one continue to be part of the picture.
Conscious Discipline,
Four Big Ideas,
The Portfolio
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Story: Hillsborough's Little School is Growing Bigger

Though the new Waterstone campus of the Little School is not yet finished, the directors have some big ideas for what will go on there. The reason for the new campus is simple, Christa Niven and Jennifer Dock, the directors, owners and founders of the school, said: The waiting list for those who wanted to join the school is about 200 names long.
The new campus will open for the public Jan. 4, with both full- and half-day programs. A half-day program will continue at their current location, 200 Davis Road. The $3 million project will allow the school to expand from a staff of 14 to one of 50 with 17 classrooms.
Niven and Dock said they originally opened the Little School because of a lack of available, high-quality, part-time childcare for their own children. The Little School helped fill a void in their own lives, they said, and was clearly needed in the area.
Niven and Dock have a policy of serving every child they can safely serve; they will not refuse a child entry because he or she has special needs. “It’s not yes or no,” Dock said. “It’s how.”
Dock said since the very beginning, they have served children with autism, whom she said have the same needs as their typically developing peers: social and verbal skills, among them. Allowing children with special needs to be in a classroom with typically developing students helps them learn appropriate behavior from the best source: their peers.
“When we support a child with special needs, we support the community as a whole,” Niven said. And being a part of the community at large — and forming their own community of administrators, teachers, students and parents — is something that’s vital to Niven and Dock. Niven said they purposely wanted to create a lot of outdoor space at the new campus, which is located next to Durham Technical Community College’s Orange County Campus.
Dock agreed, saying all the buildings have porches, which do double duty: They encourage students and teachers to enjoy the outdoors and they foster a sense of community. The large common courtyard — which they said they hope to use for Friday night events where all are welcome — helps build that as well.
“The porches are really awesome for us because we wanted it to feel like Hillsborough, and Hillsborough is front porches and outdoor chairs,” Niven said.
The two women and mothers said they wanted their school to have a cozy feel to it, to be as unlike traditional daycares — with their bright primary colors and a sometimes-institutional feeling — as possible. Niven said the Little School is many things, but it is not a daycare; instead, she called it “a good, community-based school.”
That comfortable, but non-traditional feeling extends even to mealtime, which Niven said was served family-style and cooked with ingredients from a local farm by a chef from “someplace fabulous” that must remain a secret.
The plan is to give students food that adults would be willing to eat, Dock said, and allow them to try new things.
Teachers, too, eat what the students are eating. “The kids don’t sit around looking at their plate of beans while their teacher is eating McDonald’s,” Niven said. “We don’t allow that.”
The unconventional feel of the school continues into the classrooms, which are outfitted with small, child-size nooks that allow children to take a break from the hub-hub of the school and have a bit of quiet time. Still, since community is emphasized at the Little School, Niven and Dock had windows placed in the “pushouts,” which see outside and into the pushout in the classroom next door. Niven said that was her favorite part of the new campus. “We just wanted it to feel like this space is for children,” Dock said.
One large area is divided by a half-wall, making two more open classrooms with a shared diaper changing station, which Dock said gives teachers flexibility. They also employ three teachers per classroom, instead of the traditional two, which allows instructors to focus on teaching their students.
Still, even though they are expanding and changing, Niven and Dock said they hope to keep some things the same.
“Our driving force is to keep the soul of what we started here,” Dock said. “We will be successful if we can keep it feeling little.”
Comments? Send them via e-mail: v.shortley@newsoforange.com.
The new campus will open for the public Jan. 4, with both full- and half-day programs. A half-day program will continue at their current location, 200 Davis Road. The $3 million project will allow the school to expand from a staff of 14 to one of 50 with 17 classrooms.
Niven and Dock said they originally opened the Little School because of a lack of available, high-quality, part-time childcare for their own children. The Little School helped fill a void in their own lives, they said, and was clearly needed in the area.
Niven and Dock have a policy of serving every child they can safely serve; they will not refuse a child entry because he or she has special needs. “It’s not yes or no,” Dock said. “It’s how.”
Dock said since the very beginning, they have served children with autism, whom she said have the same needs as their typically developing peers: social and verbal skills, among them. Allowing children with special needs to be in a classroom with typically developing students helps them learn appropriate behavior from the best source: their peers.
“When we support a child with special needs, we support the community as a whole,” Niven said. And being a part of the community at large — and forming their own community of administrators, teachers, students and parents — is something that’s vital to Niven and Dock. Niven said they purposely wanted to create a lot of outdoor space at the new campus, which is located next to Durham Technical Community College’s Orange County Campus.
Dock agreed, saying all the buildings have porches, which do double duty: They encourage students and teachers to enjoy the outdoors and they foster a sense of community. The large common courtyard — which they said they hope to use for Friday night events where all are welcome — helps build that as well.
“The porches are really awesome for us because we wanted it to feel like Hillsborough, and Hillsborough is front porches and outdoor chairs,” Niven said.
The two women and mothers said they wanted their school to have a cozy feel to it, to be as unlike traditional daycares — with their bright primary colors and a sometimes-institutional feeling — as possible. Niven said the Little School is many things, but it is not a daycare; instead, she called it “a good, community-based school.”
That comfortable, but non-traditional feeling extends even to mealtime, which Niven said was served family-style and cooked with ingredients from a local farm by a chef from “someplace fabulous” that must remain a secret.
The plan is to give students food that adults would be willing to eat, Dock said, and allow them to try new things.
Teachers, too, eat what the students are eating. “The kids don’t sit around looking at their plate of beans while their teacher is eating McDonald’s,” Niven said. “We don’t allow that.”
The unconventional feel of the school continues into the classrooms, which are outfitted with small, child-size nooks that allow children to take a break from the hub-hub of the school and have a bit of quiet time. Still, since community is emphasized at the Little School, Niven and Dock had windows placed in the “pushouts,” which see outside and into the pushout in the classroom next door. Niven said that was her favorite part of the new campus. “We just wanted it to feel like this space is for children,” Dock said.
One large area is divided by a half-wall, making two more open classrooms with a shared diaper changing station, which Dock said gives teachers flexibility. They also employ three teachers per classroom, instead of the traditional two, which allows instructors to focus on teaching their students.
Still, even though they are expanding and changing, Niven and Dock said they hope to keep some things the same.
“Our driving force is to keep the soul of what we started here,” Dock said. “We will be successful if we can keep it feeling little.”
Comments? Send them via e-mail: v.shortley@newsoforange.com.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Landscaping Begins!
Monday, November 9th will be the first day of landscaping for the Waterstone Campus. We will be installing roughly 300 trees and shrubs this week including 33 Green Giant Arborvitae with rootballs weighing in excess of 1,000 pounds each! This is the week to visit the site if you want to watch tractors, bulldozers and skid steerers. It will be a truck lovers dream come true!
We are also expecting drywall to begin this week. The insulation is installed and the electrical and plumbing inspections are complete. We can't wait to see the classrooms once the sheet rock is installed. Our teachers are starting to plan where their furniture will go! We are very excited by the progress of this week.
Glimpse:We have very nearly competed our hiring for January. We have a few final decisions to make this week and then we will be bringing the staff together for the first time this Saturday for a staff work day. We will be selecting our teams, doing CPR training and also covering our orientation materials. This staff is very impressive and we can't wait to introduce you to them. Please check back next week to read our new staff bios. We think that you are going to be very pleased with our choices.
On a final note, we will begin classroom placements the last week in November for all children. It is our intention to have most of our children assigned to their teachers before the open house on Saturday, December 5th. We realize that this is very important to all of you and we promise that we are working as diligently as possible to have this piece completed. We are holding out a few more weeks while the final enrollment is completed. The last thing that we want to do is place a child, tell you, and then have to make a change. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
We are also expecting drywall to begin this week. The insulation is installed and the electrical and plumbing inspections are complete. We can't wait to see the classrooms once the sheet rock is installed. Our teachers are starting to plan where their furniture will go! We are very excited by the progress of this week.
Glimpse:We have very nearly competed our hiring for January. We have a few final decisions to make this week and then we will be bringing the staff together for the first time this Saturday for a staff work day. We will be selecting our teams, doing CPR training and also covering our orientation materials. This staff is very impressive and we can't wait to introduce you to them. Please check back next week to read our new staff bios. We think that you are going to be very pleased with our choices.
On a final note, we will begin classroom placements the last week in November for all children. It is our intention to have most of our children assigned to their teachers before the open house on Saturday, December 5th. We realize that this is very important to all of you and we promise that we are working as diligently as possible to have this piece completed. We are holding out a few more weeks while the final enrollment is completed. The last thing that we want to do is place a child, tell you, and then have to make a change. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Since we announced our decision to open the new school on December 21, 2009 to currently enrolled families we have spoken to several of our parents who would prefer that we move all of the children at the same time on Monday, January 4, 2010. We very much respect our parents feelings and hear their concerns about having the children make the transition just three days before the holiday break. As a result, we are in fact going to change our decision and OPEN THE NEW SCHOOL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2010 FOR ALL CHILDREN.
In addition, we want to remind you all that the half-day program will be enrolling one-year olds. Please contact mary@thelittleschool.net for more information about enrollment.
Fall Festival and Bonfire Events
We had such a wonderful day last Friday. As you probably know, Friday was our Fall Festival and School-wide Bonfire. Both events were a resounding success. Neither event is possible without a whole lot of hard work from the entire staff. The staff absolutely outdid themselves this year creating many new centers with wonderful activities for the children to enjoy. There was pumpkin bocce ball, leaf rubbing, vegetable painting, story-telling, a puppet theater, scare crow and luminary making, trail mix making, hay stack hunting, face painting, and the ever so popular hay bail ride. In fact, if you spoke to anyone who attended the event you very likely heard first about Mr. Blair and his Country/Karaoke/Hay Ride.
The other reason that we are able to hold this event is the incredible dedication of our parent volunteers. This year was our biggest volunteer turn out ever with 50-60 parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and family friends coming out to help us to make this event so much fun for the children.
We were able to have a wonderful afternoon followed by a very sweet night of eating together and sitting by the fire visiting with friends old and new. We are always thrilled when our alumni attends and this year was no exception. Something that was new this year is that several of our soon-to-join us families were also able to attend. There is no better introduction to the Little School than the bonfire event- although we will work very hard to make the rest of you who are joining us feel equally welcomed to the school. It was a wonderful night and we just can hardly wait for next October to do it again.
We know that we say this nearly every week, but we are just so incredibly grateful for our amazing community.
WATERSTONE CAMPUS UPDATE: It was a terrific week on site this week. Things are really coming to a head as the site work crew gets ready to hand over the grounds for us to complete the landscaping the weekend of November 6-8. If anyone has any specific expertise with commercial landscaping in general, an excavator, or a Bobcat who would like to volunteer for that weekend we would love to hear from you.
We are also expecting our drywall to go up anytime after this Friday. We will also be doing the painting ourselves and we are preparing for that work now as well. Again, if anyone has any specific expertise with commercial painting or commercial sprayers and you are interested in volunteering please also let us know as soon as possible.
Thanks again and have a great week!

GLIMPSE: Our wonderful preschoolers created a book leading up to the Fall Festival. It illustrates the story of "The Leaf Man." Using materials from our playgrounds and the woods surrounding us, as well as pieces of interesting fabric, the preschoolers with Ms. Laura, created beautiful landscapes and Leaf Man puppets. During the Fall Festival, Ms. Laura (and helpers!) presented their work as a puppet show for the children and parents. See the slideshow below.
In addition, we want to remind you all that the half-day program will be enrolling one-year olds. Please contact mary@thelittleschool.net for more information about enrollment.
Fall Festival and Bonfire Events
We had such a wonderful day last Friday. As you probably know, Friday was our Fall Festival and School-wide Bonfire. Both events were a resounding success. Neither event is possible without a whole lot of hard work from the entire staff. The staff absolutely outdid themselves this year creating many new centers with wonderful activities for the children to enjoy. There was pumpkin bocce ball, leaf rubbing, vegetable painting, story-telling, a puppet theater, scare crow and luminary making, trail mix making, hay stack hunting, face painting, and the ever so popular hay bail ride. In fact, if you spoke to anyone who attended the event you very likely heard first about Mr. Blair and his Country/Karaoke/Hay Ride.
The other reason that we are able to hold this event is the incredible dedication of our parent volunteers. This year was our biggest volunteer turn out ever with 50-60 parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and family friends coming out to help us to make this event so much fun for the children.
We were able to have a wonderful afternoon followed by a very sweet night of eating together and sitting by the fire visiting with friends old and new. We are always thrilled when our alumni attends and this year was no exception. Something that was new this year is that several of our soon-to-join us families were also able to attend. There is no better introduction to the Little School than the bonfire event- although we will work very hard to make the rest of you who are joining us feel equally welcomed to the school. It was a wonderful night and we just can hardly wait for next October to do it again.
We know that we say this nearly every week, but we are just so incredibly grateful for our amazing community.
WATERSTONE CAMPUS UPDATE: It was a terrific week on site this week. Things are really coming to a head as the site work crew gets ready to hand over the grounds for us to complete the landscaping the weekend of November 6-8. If anyone has any specific expertise with commercial landscaping in general, an excavator, or a Bobcat who would like to volunteer for that weekend we would love to hear from you.
We are also expecting our drywall to go up anytime after this Friday. We will also be doing the painting ourselves and we are preparing for that work now as well. Again, if anyone has any specific expertise with commercial painting or commercial sprayers and you are interested in volunteering please also let us know as soon as possible.
Thanks again and have a great week!

GLIMPSE: Our wonderful preschoolers created a book leading up to the Fall Festival. It illustrates the story of "The Leaf Man." Using materials from our playgrounds and the woods surrounding us, as well as pieces of interesting fabric, the preschoolers with Ms. Laura, created beautiful landscapes and Leaf Man puppets. During the Fall Festival, Ms. Laura (and helpers!) presented their work as a puppet show for the children and parents. See the slideshow below.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Fifth Building is Framed
The 5th building is framed!
At this point all of the buildings are framed. Three of them have electric and heating and air conditioning meaning that they are nearly ready for the drywall to be installed. We are making great progress and are on track to be open on time.
This week we are pleased to announce that we are ADDING ONE YEAR OLDS TO THE HALF-DAY PROGRAM. If you are interested in enrolling your one year old please contact Mary Swanson at mary@thelittleschool.net.
We want to thank Judith Gadd, our wonderful webmaster and faithful site photographer for the new pictures that she added this week. They are great and for those of you who have not yet walked the site, it is your first look inside of the school.
See photo slide show below the posts.
Our whole team visited the buildings for their first tour on Monday and we must tell you that it was VERY exciting for us to see their responses.
GLIMPSE: This week we really have an announcement. We will be taking a walking tour of the new campus immediately following the open house on December 5th. We hope that you will all be able to join us. Please let us know by RSVP'ing to christaniven@thelittleschool.net
At this point all of the buildings are framed. Three of them have electric and heating and air conditioning meaning that they are nearly ready for the drywall to be installed. We are making great progress and are on track to be open on time.
This week we are pleased to announce that we are ADDING ONE YEAR OLDS TO THE HALF-DAY PROGRAM. If you are interested in enrolling your one year old please contact Mary Swanson at mary@thelittleschool.net.
We want to thank Judith Gadd, our wonderful webmaster and faithful site photographer for the new pictures that she added this week. They are great and for those of you who have not yet walked the site, it is your first look inside of the school.
See photo slide show below the posts.
Our whole team visited the buildings for their first tour on Monday and we must tell you that it was VERY exciting for us to see their responses.
GLIMPSE: This week we really have an announcement. We will be taking a walking tour of the new campus immediately following the open house on December 5th. We hope that you will all be able to join us. Please let us know by RSVP'ing to christaniven@thelittleschool.net
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Pre-Tax Daycare Funds
See new construction pictures below!
Hello Everyone.
One of the families wrote to us this week with a problem that is likely facing many of you. They arranged for funds to be set aside pre-tax for childcare beginning on September 1st thinking that we would be open on time. As we have been delayed until January 4, 2010, that money is now in jeopardy. This very resourceful parent has done some research and learned that our late-start may be a qualifying event that would extend their access to those pre-tax funds. That mom needed to submit a letter explaining our delay. Click here to download a copy of the letter in case it could help you as well.
Please let me know if there is anything that we can do to help you.
On a separate note, some of our staff members are looking for some temporary work should any of you be interested in a short-term in-home situation. Please let us know if you would like to be contacted by some of our incoming folks.
Hello Everyone.
One of the families wrote to us this week with a problem that is likely facing many of you. They arranged for funds to be set aside pre-tax for childcare beginning on September 1st thinking that we would be open on time. As we have been delayed until January 4, 2010, that money is now in jeopardy. This very resourceful parent has done some research and learned that our late-start may be a qualifying event that would extend their access to those pre-tax funds. That mom needed to submit a letter explaining our delay. Click here to download a copy of the letter in case it could help you as well.
Please let me know if there is anything that we can do to help you.
On a separate note, some of our staff members are looking for some temporary work should any of you be interested in a short-term in-home situation. Please let us know if you would like to be contacted by some of our incoming folks.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Little School to get a whole lot bigger
Hillsborough child development center to build new campus
interested? The Little School's new campus opens Jan. 4, 2010, in the Hillsborough Waterstone Neighborhood. To apply as a student and as an employee visit the Web site:
by Erin Wiltgen
chh@heraldsun.com; 918-1035
interested? The Little School's new campus opens Jan. 4, 2010, in the Hillsborough Waterstone Neighborhood. To apply as a student and as an employee visit the Web site:
by Erin Wiltgen
chh@heraldsun.com; 918-1035
HILLSBOROUGH -- The Little School is growing up.
A child development center in Hillsborough, the Little School has finally outgrown its current building and will build a new campus in the Hillsborough Waterstone Neighborhood.
"We are just dying to grow," said Jennifer Dock, co-founder of the Little School. "If you're going to do it, you might as well just really do it. And that's how it started. It was a push from our families who really needed the care."
The Little School serves infants through preschoolers, including children with autism and other sensory integration issues. A Duke Partnership for Excellence in Childcare Grant Recipient from 2005 to 2008, the Little School focuses on a challenging, creative, nurturing and child-centered education program. Parents travel from Chapel Hill, Durham and even Burlington to give their children this hands-on, multi-sensory experience.
"We are aware that there are daycare centers that are safe and appropriate and the children are well cared for and loved," said Christa Niven, co-founder of the school. "But our intention is not to be a day care center. We are very much a school."
As complex and established as the Little School has become, it began merely as the festering of complaints between neighbors.
When Niven moved across the street from Dock, Niven's youngest child became fast playmates with Dock's youngest. The two women began taking daily walks together, and soon their shared frustrations in finding a preschool for their children dominated their conversation.
When the idea actually formed is hard to say, the women admitted, but in 2005 the Little School opened its doors to three classroom housing 40 kids.
Now the school hosts 58 children every day, 70 including twelve half-day classrooms.
With popularity growing, Niven said the school has been unable to adequately fill the rising need for quality child care. Some parents have been on the Little School's waiting list for two years.
Expansion was in the offing.
The new campus, set to open on Jan. 4, 2010, boasts 14,500 square feet as opposed to the current building's 2,500 square feet and will hold about 160 students. The current building will convert into a half-day campus, with both campuses still offering part-week options. Dock said the school is accepting student applications as well as staff applications for 2010 on the school's Web site.
Although the campus covers more area, Dock and Niven said they didn't want children to feel overwhelmed by a huge building. Instead, the new school actually comprises five smaller buildings centered around a courtyard.
Following this theory, each classroom includes a child-sized quiet spot built into the construction of the school. It's a 4-foot deep, 4-foot tall jut-out in each classroom which will sit side-by-side with the jut-out from the adjacent classroom. Each cubby hole will have a window into its neighbor so kids seeking quiet time can see each other.
"I'm hoping that will inject community into the quiet space," Niven said. "They're really fun. They're really cute."
As its construction suggests, the new building won't lose the homey, cozy one-on-one feel the school's name promises. Niven said she and Dock wanted the name to emphasize the atmosphere of the school: a soft, homey feel. Each classroom is home-furnished with walls painted soft colors and lights that can dim.
"We want to convey the message that we're not a center, we're not a large industrialized center," Dock said. "We want kids to not feel like they're one in a thousand."
With quiet-time cubby holes and separate buildings, Dock and Niven said they hope the new school carries over the same at-home feel as the old one.
"We wanted it to feel like a little place," Niven said. "It's the little school. That's just who we are."
School focused on the individual
October 3, 2009
Program welcomes kids with special needs
By Erin Wiltgen
chh@heraldsun.com; 918-1035
HILLSBOROUGH -- Even with a long-anticipated expansion on the horizon, the Little School promises it won't lose its commitment to high-quality child care and attention to the individual.
A child development center in Hillsborough devoted to hands-on multi-sensory learning, the Little School emphasizes more than just the basics.
"We recognize that it's really important to know what your child ate and how often they use the potty every day," said Christa Niven, co-founder of the school. "But we feel like a true quality center should use something much deeper and richer and should be able to tell the parents at the end of the day how their children grew that day, how they saw the world that day."
To help ensure such individual attention, the Little School has three teachers in every classroom as opposed to the typical two.
"We don't want them changing diapers all day long," Niven said. "We want there to be enough teachers in each classroom where they are able to have truly educational moments. We want the teachers to feel like teachers."
In addition to quality care, caring for autistic children and children with sensory integration issues became part of the mission almost from the start. Sensory integration difficulties can be caused by a range of catalysts, from prenatal alcohol exposure to traumatic brain injury or even cochlear implants. A few characteristics children can display are extremes of activity level, trepidation of swings, seesaws or heights, aggression in response to someone accidentally bumping them or avoiding physical contact with people and with certain "textures."
Niven said a family called the school before it even opened asking admittance for a little boy with probable autism. The parents had called everywhere and been turned away immediately, even at the school where the mother worked.
When Jennifer Dock, co-founder and co-director of the school, and Niven agreed to take the child without a second thought, the father began sobbing.
"I didn't know there was a reason to say no," Niven said. "I realized this was a very serious issue when that man began to cry."
Despite the connotation that goes along with teaching special needs children, Niven said having autistic children hasn't added an extra burden. The county sends specialists to help teachers with children who have special needs. Niven said all it takes on their part is a willingness to open the school's doors.
"That's our happy accident," she said. "We always had willing hearts. There was no question for us whether there was going to be a place for every child in our school."
And not only does it not bring a burden to the school, Niven said, but having autistic children actually helps the school.
"It makes us better," she said. "It makes us happier. It makes our community more whole."
Autistic children themselves benefit from an environment that's not necessarily just for kids with special needs, a situation that doesn't challenge them, Dock said.
"One of the most potent things you can do for a child with autism is to include them with typically developing children to foster the skills you're teaching them," she said.
Including autistic children benefits the other students as well, Dock said, partially because changes that are made for autistic kids in a classroom actually help others.
For example, one child with sensory integration issues struggled to express himself in the moment. He would get more upset each time he had a hard time communicating. A county on-site provider gave the teacher a visual prompt, so that each time the child struggled to communicate what was wrong with him, he could hold the prompt and the teacher would know something's wrong.
Suddenly, whenever that child held the prompt, not only teachers but other children in the classroom would ask him what was wrong. And other students, autistic and non-autistic, began using the prompt to express themselves as well.
"All children are trying to be stronger verbally," Dock said. "And all children are trying to figure out and are developing their social skills. Honestly, we don't need to stretch and change to accommodate these children. We stretch for all kids. The most important thing we do is to see each child not as a label but as what does he or she need."
And what each child needs, according to the Little School curriculum, is an environment to engage in hands-on, creative learning with a focus on each individual student. Students learn by expressing themselves through music, painting, drama, song, movement and play. At a conference on Oct. 2, Dock even learned how to use outdoor spaces as teachers and use farming and gardening in the curriculum.
Although each child leaves the school knowing the alphabet and numbers, the Little School emphasizes problem solving as well as basic knowledge parents see as crucial for entering kindergarten.
"We spend a lot of time advocating for children and really communicating with the families that the top five things that parents think that kids need to be ready for kindergarten are actually the bottom five that kindergarten teachers want," Dock said. "Teachers want kids who can negotiate their day, use impulse control and problem solve."
And the Little School sees to it that the children within its doors learn those skills within a context that fits them as individuals. With so many teachers, the one-on-one experiences give children the time they need to process lessons at their own pace.
"Just to be able to walk on the porch with one teacher or take a walk in the woods, to do that without putting stress on the other classroom teacher makes a huge difference," Dock said. "And it's simple."
Program welcomes kids with special needs
By Erin Wiltgen
chh@heraldsun.com; 918-1035
HILLSBOROUGH -- Even with a long-anticipated expansion on the horizon, the Little School promises it won't lose its commitment to high-quality child care and attention to the individual.
A child development center in Hillsborough devoted to hands-on multi-sensory learning, the Little School emphasizes more than just the basics.
"We recognize that it's really important to know what your child ate and how often they use the potty every day," said Christa Niven, co-founder of the school. "But we feel like a true quality center should use something much deeper and richer and should be able to tell the parents at the end of the day how their children grew that day, how they saw the world that day."
To help ensure such individual attention, the Little School has three teachers in every classroom as opposed to the typical two.
"We don't want them changing diapers all day long," Niven said. "We want there to be enough teachers in each classroom where they are able to have truly educational moments. We want the teachers to feel like teachers."
In addition to quality care, caring for autistic children and children with sensory integration issues became part of the mission almost from the start. Sensory integration difficulties can be caused by a range of catalysts, from prenatal alcohol exposure to traumatic brain injury or even cochlear implants. A few characteristics children can display are extremes of activity level, trepidation of swings, seesaws or heights, aggression in response to someone accidentally bumping them or avoiding physical contact with people and with certain "textures."
Niven said a family called the school before it even opened asking admittance for a little boy with probable autism. The parents had called everywhere and been turned away immediately, even at the school where the mother worked.
When Jennifer Dock, co-founder and co-director of the school, and Niven agreed to take the child without a second thought, the father began sobbing.
"I didn't know there was a reason to say no," Niven said. "I realized this was a very serious issue when that man began to cry."
Despite the connotation that goes along with teaching special needs children, Niven said having autistic children hasn't added an extra burden. The county sends specialists to help teachers with children who have special needs. Niven said all it takes on their part is a willingness to open the school's doors.
"That's our happy accident," she said. "We always had willing hearts. There was no question for us whether there was going to be a place for every child in our school."
And not only does it not bring a burden to the school, Niven said, but having autistic children actually helps the school.
"It makes us better," she said. "It makes us happier. It makes our community more whole."
Autistic children themselves benefit from an environment that's not necessarily just for kids with special needs, a situation that doesn't challenge them, Dock said.
"One of the most potent things you can do for a child with autism is to include them with typically developing children to foster the skills you're teaching them," she said.
Including autistic children benefits the other students as well, Dock said, partially because changes that are made for autistic kids in a classroom actually help others.
For example, one child with sensory integration issues struggled to express himself in the moment. He would get more upset each time he had a hard time communicating. A county on-site provider gave the teacher a visual prompt, so that each time the child struggled to communicate what was wrong with him, he could hold the prompt and the teacher would know something's wrong.
Suddenly, whenever that child held the prompt, not only teachers but other children in the classroom would ask him what was wrong. And other students, autistic and non-autistic, began using the prompt to express themselves as well.
"All children are trying to be stronger verbally," Dock said. "And all children are trying to figure out and are developing their social skills. Honestly, we don't need to stretch and change to accommodate these children. We stretch for all kids. The most important thing we do is to see each child not as a label but as what does he or she need."
And what each child needs, according to the Little School curriculum, is an environment to engage in hands-on, creative learning with a focus on each individual student. Students learn by expressing themselves through music, painting, drama, song, movement and play. At a conference on Oct. 2, Dock even learned how to use outdoor spaces as teachers and use farming and gardening in the curriculum.
Although each child leaves the school knowing the alphabet and numbers, the Little School emphasizes problem solving as well as basic knowledge parents see as crucial for entering kindergarten.
"We spend a lot of time advocating for children and really communicating with the families that the top five things that parents think that kids need to be ready for kindergarten are actually the bottom five that kindergarten teachers want," Dock said. "Teachers want kids who can negotiate their day, use impulse control and problem solve."
And the Little School sees to it that the children within its doors learn those skills within a context that fits them as individuals. With so many teachers, the one-on-one experiences give children the time they need to process lessons at their own pace.
"Just to be able to walk on the porch with one teacher or take a walk in the woods, to do that without putting stress on the other classroom teacher makes a huge difference," Dock said. "And it's simple."