Our first day was amazing. It was so much better than we ever dreamed possible. We stood at the front door this morning greeting our new families and watching a long line of cars drive down the road to the school. The children arrived smiling with their parents and their laundry baskets and duffle bags full of supplies. We had Big Star Studio on site taking pictures of the children as they headed towards their classrooms and then to record the morning for us. Our first lunch went so smoothly. The menu included chicken and dumplings and falafel. It was wonderful. Chef Nate baked fresh, home made bread for both snacks. The building smelled warm and comfortable and we just felt like we were at home.
The half-day program welcomed a new addition in Miss Kim, as well as several new friends. The children had a wonderful time exploring their new classrooms and moving into their new playground spaces now that it is all theirs. Mr. Sean said that it was a perfect day at the Little School Davis Rd.
We had an absolutely wonderful day!
We hope that you did too.
ENROLLMENT: If you have not yet enrolled your child, but are considering the school, we invite you to come to take a tour of the new school. We still have a few openings left in both programs. We would love the opportunity to share a glimpse of who we are!
Waterstone Campus Blog
This blog is designed to keep you informed weekly of the construction and development of the new Little School at the Waterstone Campus. We plan to update every Friday until construction is completed.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Little School, Big Opening

Waterstone campus Sunday, Jan. 3. From left to right, Hillsborough Mayor Tom Stevens; Grayson Niven, Christa Niven; Talen Niven, Wendy Vavrousek, Alex Vavrousek; Collin Dock, Jennifer Dock; Maddie Vavrousek; Mark Vavrousek, Jennifer Dock; and Bryan Dock. Photo by Vanessa C. Shortley.
The Little School of Hillsborough’s new Waterstone campus held its ribbon-cutting Sunday afternoon. Children, parents, supporters and local officials and businesspeople milled around the school’s new dining room and explored all the nooks and crannies of the school at the Sunday opening.

For owner/operator Christa Niven, it was event well worth waiting for.
“We’re so excited you’re all here,” she said.
Owner/operator Jennifer Dock said she felt as proud as a parent of the new facility.
“This is like showing off your new baby,” she said. “Just wait until you see how beautiful this baby is.”
Eleanor Lee, 3, puts her shoes back on with the help of her father, Michael Lee, after taking a peek inside a classroom Sunday, Jan. 3, at The Little School’s Waterstone campus ribbon-cutting ceremony. Photo by Vanessa C. Shortley.